I'll be Home for Christmas

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Hey guys!! I am literally so sorry for the wait! I had a crazy insane week with school starting and everything. Anyway, my goal is to have 3-4 updates a week from now on! And shoutout to Sammymymann and TenInchImpala for being AWESOME readers and commenting their thoughts! I love to hear what you guys have to say and love (AND REALLY NEED) the feedback! I'm worried about going through more writers blocks... Anyway, with that being said, here's the next update:

(JJ's POV) {Around Dec. 10th}

I woke up the next morning around eight to Jake walking into my room and picking me up from bed and carrying me downstairs. I was honestly scared out of my pants when her first woke me up. He threw me over his shoulders and once we were downstairs he started running out the door with me in his arms. 

I started laughing and squirmed in his arms. "Where are you taking me you kidnapper."

He pulled me off his shoulder and carried me bridal style to his truck. "You'll see beautiful."

"It's like eight in the morning and I look like last nights make-up threw-up on me!"

He kissed me while I was still in his arms and then said, "Shut up Jay, you're so beautiful I can't handle it sometimes."

I loved him so much. I sometimes thought about 'well what now? We've been dating for a few months now, and now something's got to happen right?" And then I calm down and remember I'm just a freshman and don't need anything more than this in my life yet. (Even though Jake just wants to hurry up and grow up!)

He set me in the front seat of his truck and had some of my clothes already in the seat waiting for me. 

"Where did you get my clothes?"

"While you were sleeping I ran up and grabbed one of your shorts and then brought that shirt of mine that I just love to see you in."

He looked at me and winked while smiling his adorable smile. Sometimes I thought it was his gentleman like behavior that got me to fall in love with him. Other times it was his GORGEOUS blue eyes. Today it was his smile. The dimples in his cheeks that he got when he smiled. The way he winked at me every time he smiled. I just couldn't get over it. I loved absolutely everything about him. 

We drove for about fifteen minutes until I realized where we were going. He was taking me up to Eisenhower Park where we loved to go hiking. Once we pulled up into the parking lot, he reached in the back and grabbed me his football jacket. "You'll probably need this. It's a chilly morning."

I laughed and pulled his sweatshirt over my head. He got out to grab a basket out of the back of the truck. I hopped out and walked around to him. "Alright handsome, it's like eight thirty. What do you have planned for the morning?"

He pulled another sweatshirt over his head and said, "Well, I thought we could hike up the mountain and have a brunch together. And I know you're going shopping with your mom tonight, so I think it'd be fun for us to go get some starbucks and look at the Christmas lights. You want to? Just you and me, Tom is taking Hallie on their own date night."

I jumped into his arms and said, "Could you be any more wonderful? Is that even physically possible?"

He just laughed and laced his fingers in with mine. We walked up the mountain together for about an hour and by nine-thirty we had reached the top. We laid out a blanket and sat together. He had gotten cinnamon rolls, orange juices in bottles, and a tub of different fruits. 

He grabbed a grape and threw it into the air and catching it in his mouth. I sat up on my knees and said, "Alright, let me try." He grabbed a grape and looked like he was going to throw it for me, and then chucked it down my shirt. I reached down to grab it and then said, "Oh you didn't..."

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