Merry Christmas (Part 1)

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 Hallie and I were up in my room sitting together talking about New York, and what she had done the past few weeks.

"So Jay, what exactly went on in New York?" Hallie blurted out as if she'd been waiting two weeks to hear about it.

"Well, it was actually a really good trip for Jake and I. Now that I'll be in Vancouver for the next six to eight months, I really needed a weekend with him. Plus, we opened up with each other and he told me some things that he's never told anyone. It was an amazing week with him. Did you see us on Jimmy Fallon?"

"Are you kidding? The whole cheer team got together to watch it!"

"Haha! Really? That's funny."

"You and Jake are like #Goals!"

She grabbed her phone, "You know that you guys have your own hashtag and ship name and fan pages?"

"Wait are you serious?"

"Yeah, check it out!" She opened her instagram. She pulled up our personal "Fanpage" called @jakeandjaygoals.

"Where do people find the time to do these things?" I laughed.

"I'm not sure, but I'm following them... you should too. They'd freak out!" She laughed as well.I walked out of my room to find Jake and Tom on the couch in living room watching a movie. I went and sat next to Jake and cuddled with him as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Jakey, you're not going to believe this?!" I opened my phone. "We have a fan page!"He looked at me surprised, "What the heck? Who made it?"

"I'm not sure. Probably a Supernatural fan that watched us on Jimmy Fallon last night."
He started laughing and kissed my fourhead as I scrolled through the feed. I started looking at our hashtags.

#jjandjake    #jakesgirl    #justicejayackles

I had a million posts about me. I never thought before to look up myself on instagram. I knew my dad was extremely popular and had hundreds of fan pages.

All of a sudden we saw the front door open. It was Shep who was home from his "friend" Chelsea's house.

Jake and Tom jumped right up to mess with him. The Junior and Sophomore got up to mess with the little eighth grader... I was excited to see how this would go down.

"So," Jake started with his arm around Shep. Bending over because he was so tall. "How's your new lady friend?"

Shep pushed Jake's arm off of him. "She's just a friend."

"Are you sure she knows that?" Tom said laughing.

"You guys, just leave me alone."

I got up to solve the fight. "Come on Shep, she's your first crush. You should just go for it."

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