Chapter 1: Echo Creek Academy

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My shoes were pressed against the ground. I'm really nervous. I don't want my life to be miserable again. So, here I am, making a difference. I hesitantly lift my fist up to knock unto the door.

I knock three times.

Breathe in, breathe out Y/N.

This is a new school. So, that means new life, new reputation and new everything. Just shrug it off and play it cool. Remember what you're here for. I know it's really hard to forget something like that but you're here to start anew. But, just try to remember, NO MORE DRAMA.

The door creakily opens, revealing a short, plump man in front of me. 'He must be the principal.' I thought to myself while intertwining my fingers.

I inhale.

Just try to make a good first impression. The first impression always counts.

"Ah, Ms. L/N. Just the student I wanted to see. I'm Principal Skeeves. How are we doing?" He says while leading me inside to take a seat. He tapped unto the chair signaling me to sit down. I quietly sit down unto the wooden chair.

Okay, this is it. First impression, go!

"Hm, I'm doing great, really. It's a nice school you've got here. I can't wait to explore it around." I look around his office and spot several pictures of the students during their school activities. They really have that bond within each other.

This'll be an enjoyable place.

"Oh, of course! Surely, you'd want a tour around our humble school. Just a second." He excuses himself and opens up an emcee as he leans forward to speak.

"Marco Diaz to the Principal's office!" He announces twice and offs the emcee.

Marco Diaz, huh?

"Marco Diaz? I'm assuming he's the one leading the tour?" I question.

"Yes. Don't worry, he's harmless." Principal Skeeves informs me.

After a few seconds waiting, there was a knock at the door. "That must be him. Come in, Diaz." The door swiftly opens and a young student is what I witnessed.

He was about my age, I can tell. He has soft, brunette hair paired with hazelnut eyes and a mole on his right cheek. Exactly wearing a plain, red hoodie matched with tight jeans and clean shoes. He must be Marco Diaz.

"You called me? Am I in trouble?" The thing that surprised me was the tone of his voice. Instead of it sounding worried, it somehow sounded excited?

"You've never been in trouble, Marco. You're the safe kid!" Principal Skeeves chuckles while patting his back.

"Everyone's still calling me that?" Marco growls.

"It never gets old. Now, I called you to guide our new transfer student around the school." He declares as he turned his attention to me. "He'll be the one guiding you for the moment, Y/N. Now off you go!" He slightly pushes us out of his office.

We both ended up outside. I decide to start, "Hey, my name's Y/N L/N and you must be . . . Marco Diaz?" I elevated my hand up for him to shake. He gladly takes my hand and introduces himself, "That's me, Marco Diaz. Nice to meet you, Y/N." He smiles at me.

We let go of our little handshake. I tuck a lock of hair behind my ear and politely smile at him. I was anxious. Was I making a fine first impression? I wasn't so sure.

"So, when do we start?" I ask while crossing my arms across my chest.

"Right now."


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