Luckily for the first time in weeks, Mr.Dheyal was late to class and we managed to get there before him. I couldn't risk getting in trouble. Rey pulled me to the back seats and we sat down, preparing ourselves for two hours of boredom with Mr. Dheyal and his marketing strategies. 

We were half way through the class and almost everyone seemed half dead. People sitting in my row were all taking naps. The only ones that showed much interest to Mr.Dheyal was the front row seaters. I looked at Rey, he was fiddling with his pen. He turned his head towards me and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back. He must have calmed down now, it's safe to make conversation with him. However, before I could even begin, Rey ripped a piece of paper from his book and started writing something. He then slid the note on to my table and looked at Mr. Dheyal.

I took the note which read :

                " Sorry, Didn't want you seeing me that way today"

I looked up at Rey and he was holding his ears and poked his tongue out. I ripped another piece of paper and wrote :

               " I'll let you go if you promise to take me out this weekend for a Mumbai tour"

I passed the note to Rey and after he read, he smiled and nodded his head at me. He flipped the note and started writing again:

              " Yes Miss Simiran!"

Finally his mood is better now. It's strange seeing any of these guys feel sad or angry. I'm so used to seeing them smile and be happy all the time and joking around. I kept re-reading the notes that were lying on my table. It's funny how Rey always calls me Simiran, he even writes my full name. I wounder why? Maybe because his a bit too much of a gentlemen. 

Class was finally over and I can't believe I had not taken any notes. I guess I would just have to spend a few hours in the library catching up on this. This means no fun during lunch time. 

As me and Rey walked out, he looked at me, "Hey! What's the sad face for?".

"Oh, nothing. I was just thinking about the catching up I have to do for this unit. I didn't do anything".

"Does that mean we are spending lunch in the library?".

"hmm, you don't have to come, aren't you and Sammi always chilling out at the soccer pitch during lunch?".

Rey looked down at his feet "Not today Simiran, I don't think they want to see my face today".

"Don't say that, they just want to know what happened, Even I'm curious".

He suddenly came to a stop and lifted his head, looking directly into my eyes. "You want to know as well?".

"Well the Rey I know so far, never really showed his anger in such a way. Vicky must have done something, and that's the reason I want to know what really happened. But it's fine if you don't want to tell me". I really didn't want to force him into telling me. It's his business, I had no right to know or interfere.

Rey was silent for a while. He started walking again and said nothing. We headed towards the library and found a nice quite place to study. Rey sat on the opposite side of the table and looked on his right. We had the most perfect view of the basketball courts and the soccer pitch. There was hardly anyone in the library and this atmosphere felt kind of nice. Just me and Rey alone.

Since Rey was not into the mood to tell me anything, I decided to grab my book and start reading. I highlighted random sentences and kept reading one sentence over and over until I zoned out. Being around Rey and not saying a single word to him felt very nerve wrecking. Does he feel the same way? I looked up and caught him starring at me. 

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