Chapter 24: Love Wins

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Joey felt someone shaking him. It was too early. His eyes fluttered open to see Daniel looking down at him with a huge smile on his face. Joey frowned immediately. Daniel knew better than anyone that Joey was NOT a morning person. He groaned and rolled over. He was definitely not getting up right now. Joey had been up really late that night and he needed his beauty sleep, not for his actual beauty, but the beautiful personality he tried to maintain.

"Joey!!! Oh my gosh Joey!!" Daniel started jumping up and down on the bed. Daniel was too excited to keep this news to himself anymore. Daniel jumped enough to wake him up. Joey sat up, with a confused look on his face. He made a face that Daniel just laughed at. Daniel stopped jumping and lay down on the bed next to Joey. He just laid there and smiled while Joey just glared at him for a moment, but even an angry look from his boyfriend couldn't spoil the mood he was in.

"Daniel, it's 7:30, you know it don't do mornings. What's so important that you woke me up?" Joey rubbed his eyes. He was exhausted and for once Daniel's cheery mood couldn't make him happy. Daniel leaned over and kissed Joey. Joey was still angry about being woken up so early. When Daniel pulled away, the kiss lingered on Joey's lips.

"We can get married. Joey, we're going to get married," Daniel basically squealed. Joey wasn't sure he had heard him right.

"Wow, don't you think it's a little early for that?"

"No, because we can get married now. In any state we wanted to. They ruled in our favor. The supreme court legalized gay marriage in all 50 states" Daniel kissed Joey again. This woke him up. Looking back, he wouldn't remember whether it was the kiss or the news.

"Oh my gosh! Really! We can get married! Daniel we can get married," Joey smiled. Of course, Joey wasn't quite ready to get married, but just the thought that he could, wherever he wanted to. Daniel got up off of the bed with a huge grin on his face, "I'm going to make pancakes."

- • - • - • - • - • -

Daniel looked outside at Joey. After Daniel had told him about the news, Joey had gotten up and ran around the house like a madman singing about the new Supreme Court decision. Now, he had lined up all of his crystals in a rainbow, and was taking pictures. Daniel was working on making the pancakes. He had cut up different fruits, he wanted to make breakfast as colorful as possible, and was planning on making the pancakes purple. Daniel stirred the pancake batter, "He's so cute, don't you think Hope?" Hope laughed, "Yep, but he's not as cute as my man."

Joey walked inside and sat down at the bar. He didn't really pay much attention to what time it was now. Just the fact that he could get married anywhere was enough to keep him conscious all morning. Daniel winked at him. Joey took out his camera and started to vlog about the ruling. This was a huge moment for him and the gay community.

Daniel flipped the pancake, "It's almost ready." He was also cooking eggs, and making avocado toast. Joey wasn't much of a cook so it was nice to have Daniel around to be the chef in the relationship. Joey smiled and walked over to Daniel, "It smells wonderful. I can't wait until we get married. Because I love you, and we're going to get married, because we can get married anywhere now. Alaska, Hawaii, New York, heck, we could even get married in Utah."

Daniel turned around and kissed Joey, "I have to make a call really quick. Make sure the food doesn't burn."

Joey watched Daniel walk into the living room, and dial a number before putting the phone up to his ear. Joey didn't know why Daniel didn't just make the call in front of Joey like he always did. Joey had noticed Daniel had been making a lot of secretive phone calls. Joey tried to ignore it, but it had been bothering him. It was strange for Daniel to be acting like this. He loved Daniel with all his heart, and he didn't want to confront him about it. Joey watched Daniel laugh and smile with whoever he was on the phone with.

Daniel wandered around the room making sure that Joey couldn't hear the conversation he was having. "I wouldn't tell him for a while.... This whole thing is a secret." Daniel paused to let the familiar voice on the other end rattle off details of this whole thing.

"Yeah.... It's great isn't it? I'm free tomorrow..... We can meet up then..... No, he doesn't know yet. I wanna wait a little longer before I tell him..... I will.... You too. Bye," Joey didn't know who was on the other line, and he could only hear what Daniel was saying. Joey didn't like what he was hearing though. Suddenly the doubt that he had thought he didn't have anymore came bubbling back in the surface.

Hope looked back and forth between Daniel and Joey and bit her lip. Joey raised his eyebrows, and Hope looked down at the table. Joey knew Hope could never look him in the eyes when she was lying or hiding something. This was one of the most historic days Joey had been alive to experience, and he was worried about his boyfriend. Daniel hung up the phone and walked back into the kitchen.

He smiled and spread the avocado on a piece of toast, "I think Hawaii. Definitely Hawaii."

- • - • - • - • - • -

Daniel and Joey were laying down on the couch watching Netflix. Joey had just ignored the bad signs that were happening that day and decided to have a nice day with his boyfriend, worry free. Hope and Michael had left to go out on a date, and David had been gone on a trip for a few weeks now, so they were alone in the house. With a house as big as Joey's, it was no fun being alone. They were watching Lost and eating popcorn.

"Crunch for me queen." Daniel said. Joey laughed, "I don't know if it will be that crunchy, but oh well."

Joey leaned over and crunched the popcorn next to Daniel's ear. Daniel frowned, "You're right, it wasn't that satisfying." Joey laughed and kissed Daniel's cheek. Daniel threaded his fingers into Joey's and leaned his head his shoulder.

"In all seriousness, do you think we'll get married someday?" Daniel asked. Joey and Daniel had never really talked about their future before, so it kind of caught Joey off guard. Of course, there was the friendly banter early, but that was just the mood set by the good news.

"I don't know. We've been dating for almost a year. We're in love. So yeah, maybe in like 5 years, yeah, we'll get married," Joey smiled.

"Good. Because I'm in love with you too. We're going to be together forever okay? I don't ever want to loose you. You understand that? You can't go anywhere," Daniel squeezed Joey's hand.

"I promise. I'm not going anywhere."

- • - • - • - • - • -

"Hello? You guys awake?" Daniel opened his eyes to see Hope standing above him and Joey. He didn't remember them falling asleep. Most of the time he didn't realize when he did fall asleep. Daniel didn't move, he didn't want to wake Joey up.

"What time is it?"

"It's almost one in the morning. How long have you two been laying here?" Hope whispered. Daniel rubbed his eyes, "I don't know. A couple of hours. I can't believe you and Michael are leaving tomorrow."

"Don't worry. We'll come back around the fourth. Then we can party." Hope smiled, "I'm going to go to bed. See you in the morning."

Hey guys!! We hoped you liked this chapter.

DISCLAIMER FOR THE NEXT TWO CHAPTERS. We want you to know that we know what happens in the chapters isn't remotely what really happened. They're going to be pretty long and intense chapters, so we just want you to keep that in mind while you read. We want you guys to still be surprised when you read, so that's why we're changing it a bit. The next two chapters are going to be good, so get excited!

Until next time,


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