Chapter 13: Moving

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Joey put his head in his hands. He was almost to the point of tears. He couldn't believe that he'd screwed everything up for them. This was all his fault. He didn't tell the landlord about Wolf, and the landlord kicked them out. He figured that she would've been okay with them having another dog, but apparently she wasn't. Joey sat on his couch, almost everything had been packed up, but they still had some furniture that was gone yet.  Joey, David, and Meghan had planned on moving out in about 6 months, but now they were having to move out much earlier than planned, and now everything was a mess, and Joey thought that it was all his fault. He couldn't help but blame himself. This was a huge mess and everyone had to pay for it. 

He got up and grabbed his keys. He had to do something, anything to get his mind off of this. He wanted to see Daniel so bad, because he always made him feel better. Joey drove to Daniel's apartment, and couldn't wait to see him, since he hadn't seen him days. Joey had told Daniel about them moving, Daniel had been so busy that he hadn't been around the house to help them pack. Although they had plenty of help, Joey felt like Daniel was avoiding him. This almost stopped Joey from going, but he figured if Daniel wouldn't see him, he had to go see Daniel.

When he got there, he noticed that Daniel's car was in the same place it was in the last time Joey'd been there. That was strange. It wasn't even in a place Daniel liked. Usually Daniel would park under an oak tree, that way his car would be as hot when he actually needed to drive. It looked like it hadn't moved in days.  He got out of the car and walked up the stairs. Joey knocked, but there was no answer. Joey pulled the key that Daniel had given him and unlocked the door. A couple of weeks ago, when Joey had been spending a couple of nights at Daniel's house, Daniel had given him a key so that Joey could come and go as he pleased. Joey had never used it, but he kept it on his key ring for safe keeping, if he ever needed to use it. 

When Joey opened the door, the apartment was a mess. There were boxes lying around with labels like "clothes" or "kitchen stuff." This was especially strange because most of the time, Daniel kept his apartment squeaky clean. Sometimes, while Joey would edit his videos, Daniel would clean his room or some other room in the house. Daniel was kind of a clean freak, one of his little quirks, but Joey loved it.

 Daniel was asleep on the couch, and there were papers scattered around him, and his laptop was open on the arm rest beside him, though the screen had long since faded to black and eventually turned off. Joey walked over to the papers and saw big red letters on some the papers that said 'NOTICE', and others that had pictures of houses. Joey picked one up and his jaw dropped. If this meant what Joey thought it meant, Joey had figured out why Daniel had been avoiding him.

"Daniel!" Joey shook him awake, it took a couple of seconds, Daniel had even groaned a couple of times a rolled over. Suddenly, Daniel shot up and rubbed his eyes, "What are you doing here?" Daniel stood up. He quickly tried to hide the papers, but Joey had grabbed one and Daniel looked at it wide-eyed. 

"What the heck is this? You're lease is up?" Joey waved the paper in the air. He was more concerned than angry. Why hadn't Daniel told him? Joey understood what Daniel was going through. He was losing his house too. If Daniel would talk to anyone and have them understand 100% in this moment, it was Joey. 

"Yes, my lease is up. Did you think I was gonna live in this crappy place forever?" Daniel grabbed the paper out of his hand. He threw it in the pile next to him. He let out a heavy huff of air and a piece of hair that had been in his face flew up. Daniel ran a shaky, sleep deprived hand through his hair. "Where are you going to live if your lease is up?" Joey lowered his voice and took a step towards Daniel. He was concerned. This was the love of his life, he nearly shuddered at the thought of him living anywhere else worse than this. 

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