Chapter 23: Girl's Night

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"Hey. Do you guys wanna do something fun tonight? Like crazy fun, and just kind of crazy?" Hope asked Joey, Daniel, and Michael. They had spent most of the morning telling stories and joking. When the conversation started to dwindle, Hope jumped in a took advantage. They were sitting at the table eating grapes. Daniel popped a grape in his mouth, "What kind of thing?" he asked.

"You have to say yes before I tell you. So just say yes," Hope smiled and Michael laughed. Of course, none of them knew what kind of crazy thing Hope wanted to do, and with an imagination like Hope's, who knew what crazy things they could be getting themselves into. Joey chewed his grape and swallowed and answered before Daniel could.

"I'm up for an adventure. What did you have in mind?"

Hope stalled before answering for dramatic effect, "A photo shoot." Michael looked confused, "Uh, we do photo shoots all the time. How is that crazy?"

"Okay, hear me out. I was thinking Rupaul, drag makeover photo shoot. Like we could go out and buy wigs, and makeup. Oh! We could get our nails done. It would be so much fun." Hope clapped her hands together. The idea wasn't as far out as anyone sitting around would have imagined.

"Uh, do I have to dress up?" Michael asked. Hope laughed, "No, but you do have to come." Michael got a concerned look on his face. Michael definitely wasn't as crazy for dress up as Joey and Daniel were.

"Only because I love you." Michael leaned over and kissed Hope on the cheek. Daniel put his hand on top of Joey's, "It sounds like a plan. We'll leave in an hour," he said and they all started laughing.

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"You're toxic I'm slipping under!" Joey belted out the words and Daniel leaned over and kissed Joey's neck. A chill ran down Joey's spine. He blushed furiously and Daniel just smiled at the reaction Joey had to him. Joey had almost forgotten how much Daniel could affect him.

"Oh, kinky." Hope and everyone laughed. Hope always said what everyone else was thinking. That was what Joey loved about her most. Joey especially used to have a hard time telling people exactly how he felt. Hope was the complete opposite.

They were driving to a wig shop that was in downtown LA. It was a place that Hope had suggested, after all Wigsworth knew best when it came to wigs. After a while they all eventually started singing along to the music as well, and Joey knew he wouldn't wanna be with any other people right now. Even though Joey had known Hope and Michael for a small amount of time, he felt like they were always his friends. Joey pulled into the parking lot and they all got out of the car. The store was filled with wigs. It was huge, and Joey was overwhelmed. Daniel pointed to the back of the store, "Look at all of the colorful wigs over there. we should go try those on." They were like kids in a candy store, as Joey let Daniel drag him to the back to try on wigs. 

Hope went to try on the blonde wigs, and Michael went with her. Joey and Daniel were trying on the blue, green, and purple wigs. Joey vlogged as they tried on the wigs. They laughed, talked, and continued to try on wigs. Every once and a while, people would stare, but for the first time in a long time, Joey didn't care that they were staring. 

They bought about five wigs before leaving the store, "There's a nail salon down the street from here. We could walk over there, then stop to get makeup on the way back." Hope suggested. They all agreed, and headed on their way. Daniel carried the bag, Joey vlogged, and Hope and Michael walked behind them. They walked in the salon, and the bell rang at the top of the door. The lady at he front desk looked up at them.

"Uh, do you have an appointment?" she asked Hope. Hope shook her head, "But the place is practically empty. We'll need three manicures please." The woman looked back and forth between the four of them. Hope laughed, "Oh, he's not getting one," she patted Michael on the chest. The woman seemed pretty used to guys coming in and getting manicures.

"Okay, um, you can go pick out you're colors while you wait I guess. That'll be $45.67." she said. Joey smiled at the lady, and Michael used Hope's card to pay. Joey, Daniel, and Hope, walked over to the huge rack of nail polish, and they sat there forever choosing what they wanted. They went back and forth deciding what nail polish color to use.

They relaxed, and let all of their worries go away. And Joey knew at that moment, that his life was perfect.

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The three of them were in Daniel and Joey's bathroom putting on makeup. They all had wigs on, Daniel was putting on bright red lipstick, and Hope was putting eye shadow on. Joey vlogged for a second before putting the camera away.  Joey laughed and held Daniel from behind.

"You look so cute." Joey said. Daniel turned around and kissed Joey on the lips. Joey had lipstick everywhere now. Hope watched out of the corner of her eye. She loved seeing someone making her best friend so happy. Daniel grabbed Joey's face and put lipstick on Joey's lips, "Now you look cute." 

Joey rolled his eyes, "You're trash. I hate you." Daniel laughed and put the lipstick down, "You love me." Joey sighed, because he hated it when Daniel was right. 

"You squirrels ready?" Hope smiled. They nodded, and the three of them went down stairs. They stood at the top of the stairs and Joey called out, "You guys ready for the big reveal?" Joey's mom and step dad smiled. They walked down the stairs and Joey's mom just smiled. Joey walked over to Jett and smiled, "Hey Jett, it's me your sister." Jett laughed and ran away. Michael walked over with a smile on his face.

"You guys ready?" he asked. Daniel nodded, "Heck yeah we are." 

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"Werk sisters," Daniel laughed as they posed ridiculously, sticking their tongues out, and doing duck lips. Daniel leaned on Joey, and they almost fell over. Joey burst out laughing and hit Daniel on the chest. 

All of the sudden, Daniel's phone went off. Joey picked it up, and Daniel quickly grabbed it out of his hands before he could see the number. Daniel got a concerned look on his face, and swallowed hard, "Uh, I have to take this call. I'll be right back." Joey thought it was weird that Daniel got all freaked, but tried to ignore it. It wasn't like Joey hadn't ever answered Daniel's phone before, he tried to ignore the fact, but with no luck. It was strange and it tugged on the edge of Joey's thoughts.

Daniel walked over and Joey could hear snippets of the conversation, "Yeah.......not a good time......I'll call you back........thanks." Daniel laughed and blushed before hanging up the phone.

"Who was that?" Joey asked. Daniel shook his head, "No one that should concern you." Daniel kissed Joey's cheek and walked away. Joey got a bad feeling, and wanted to ask Daniel to tell him who he was talking to, but he was finally happy, and didn't want to mess anything up between them. Joey put on a smile and went back to the photo shoot. 

OMFG GUYS JANIEL WAS CONFIRMED ON VALENTINE'S DAY!!!! We're assuming a lot of you already know that though, but we attached a link to the video anyways. This means we'll get a lot more cute Janiel moments in vlogs, which makes us all very happy. But I think the best thing about this is that Joey and Daniel don't have to hide their relationship anymore. They obviously madly in love, and its great that they can be open now. Ugh they're just so cute!! Also, we know that we were way off on what really happened, but it's not like we could've known. But we do hope you like our version of the story too.

Anyways! Sorry that we didn't post on Friday, but we hope you liked this chapter!

We're are going to be giving shout out every once and a while. This week's shout out goes to @IreneDelgadillo! She spammed our notifications with votes for ALL of our chapters. So thank you so much! We really do appreciate it when you guys vote and comment. We really didn't expect this story to get this big, so thank you all for reading each week.

Until next time,


PS: Feel free to flip out over the #Janielconfirmation in the comments. It'll be fun to talk to you guys about it!

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