Chapter 16: Releases

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Tomorrow was Joey's birthday. Tomorrow was the day that all this work had led up to. He felt so much pressure and relief at the same time. He was finally going to release his music video which took a lot of work and no doubt everyone was very excited for it. Joey had posted a ton of teaser pictures and even teased a bit the song. He was just nervous about what people would think. The pressure might be getting to Joey.

On the bright side though, after all these years, they were finally going to know. And that would make Joey's life 1000 times easier. No more hiding or putting up a façade. Everyone was going to know. The one thing that Joey was unsure of, was Daniel. He didn't know if he was ready to tell everyone about them. He knew they would catch on eventually, but he didn't know when he would be ready to tell everyone about it. Of course people would assume there was something going on between them, because of the kiss in the video. And everyone knows you don't kiss your friend or an actor like that. Joey and Daniel both hadn't realized the passion and feeling they put into that kiss. You can't fake what they have. Their relationship was the most real thing Joey had ever known. He wasn't sure about most things in his life, but the thing he could count on most was Daniel.

Joey looked at Daniel that was still fast asleep next to him. His silky, dark brown hair was sticking up in certain places, but he still looked perfect. He watched the steady up and down of Daniel's chest with each breath he took. Joey loved that every morning he could wake up next to the love of his life. There was something comforting about having Daniel with him. Joey slid out of the bed, careful not to wake Daniel up. He slipped on some sandals and left the room. Usually Daniel was up before Joey, but for some reason Joey was up earlier today. His emotions were so messed up. He hadn't felt like this in a loooooong time.

Maybe it was because tomorrow he was going to tell his biggest secret to the whole world, or maybe it was because three days after tomorrow, he was going to tell his whole life story in his book.

- • - • - • - • - • - • -

"Wake up birthday boy." Daniel kissed Joey on the head. Truth be told. Joey had been awake for a couple minutes just thinking about everything happening in his life right now. So much was changing, hopefully that change out be for the better. Joey's eyes fluttered open to see Daniel sitting on the edge of the bed, already dressed and ready for the day, "Are you ready to have the best birthday party ever tonight?" Daniel asked. Daniel look very good in some blue shorts (that just happened to be Joey's) and a short-sleeved white button-up. Joey sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Are those my shorts?" Joey asked placing his hand dramatically on this bare-chest. Daniel rolled his eyes and sent Joey and chilling death glare, but didn't answer

"Where's David?" he asked.

"He went to go get some essentials for the party. AKA the alcohol and food," Daniel said only half kidding. He had moved to the bathroom to fix his hair. He did his classic model face and pulled and shaped his hair to absolute perfection. Joey didn't know how he did it. I took him a couple of tries to get his hair just right and sometimes even that wasn't enough.

"Today's it." Joey said running a hand through his hair.

"When are you going to upload it?" Daniel asked, already knowing what Joey was talking about. He walked out of the bathroom and sat next to Joey on the bed. He placed a hand on Joey's covered leg and rubbed gentle, comforting circles.

"I was thinking right before the party. Then I can relax for a few hours without looking at my laptop. After the party I can look through the madness that I'm sure will follow the release," Joey slid out of bed and headed to the bathroom. He placed a kiss on Daniel's forehead and let out a sigh. This made all of that inevitable madness worth it.

A couple hours later, Daniel, Joey, and David were busy getting ready for the party that was starting in a little over 30 minutes. Joey took one last look around the house, "Wow. I don' know if anyone will show up, but this place looks amazing. It's going to be so fun." Daniel looked over at Joey. Joey just nodded. The nerves were starting to get to him. He was shaky all day after his shower. It had hit him like a ton of bricks an hour or so ago.

Joey grabbed his laptop and sat down on the table. It was time. He didn't know if he should say somthing. This was such a huge moment in his life, he didn't know what to even think. Daniel and David sat across from him. For a split second he thought that maybe it woild be easier if he just didn't upload the video. He had to do this though. The video exported, and Joey hit the upload button. "There's no going back now," Joey whispered to himself.

Joey almost thought no one would even come to the party. But indeed, people showed up to the party. Lots of them. Shane, Cat, Meghan, Drew, Justine, and tons more came. Meghan even got and ice cream truck. Joey had an amazing time, but found himself looking over at his laptop on the table every once and a while. Daniel even caught him doing it. He could only imagine what people might be thinking. This was such a huge thing that a lot of people were discussing and arguing about that he didn't know how this would effect it.

- • - • - • - • - • -

Joey's eyes fluttered open. It was the morning after the party, and Joey hadn't checked his laptop at all last night. He leaned over and grabbed his laptop off of the bedside table and opened it and clicked on YouTube. His notifications were blowing up. He clicked on the video to read the comments. Joey was pleased to see that almost ever single one was positive. He was glad he could rely on his subscribers. Although, there were was some pretty nasty ones, it made him feel better that his fans and the people who loved him still supported him.

Just then Daniel walked in, "So? What are they saying?" He asked sitting next to Joey on the bed. Joey felt like Daniel was more nervous about this than Joey was.

"They all love it. They mention you a lot too. Here listen to this one. 'Who is that babe Joey kissed at the end?'" Joey laughed. Daniel lifted an eyebrow. Then after a second, he feigned flipping his hair over his shoulder.

"I knew they would love me. So are you going to tell them that we're a couple?" Daniel asked suddenly. Joey sighed, "All in good time Daniel. All in good time."

- • - • - • - • - • -

The date was May 19th 2015. Joey had just released his book. There had been thousands of preorders, and tons of people had been buying the book in stores. Joey felt relieved. He didn't have anymore secrets. Except for a certain tall, handsome, Romanian man.

Guys! Sorry we're a little late, but we had a really busy day yesterday and the day before, so we didn't have time to finish the chapter. We wanted to thank you all for your understanding with our break.

Anyways, thanks for reading and we'll talk to you tomorrow (hopefully)!


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