Chapter 15

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Camila's POV

"Laur, you haven't even started making the coffee. What are you doing in here?" I ask. Lauren is looking around the living room frantically. "Are you looking for something?"

"Oh, no. I just...I needed to find the remote to the air conditioner."

"Laur... you have Central air..."

"Oops, right. I totally forgot. Sorry. I was just thinking about the case and got sidetracked and now I'm standing here looking like an idiot," Lauren says, walking over to the kitchen, putting the K-Cup in the Keurig and the mug underneath. She can be very mysterious and in her head sometimes, which comes across, to most people, as forgetful and inattentive.

"Don't worry about it, I'll just sit here and wait." I jump up and sit on the counter. I realize quickly that I am in a skirt and basically just gave her a free show. I cross my legs as I notice her eyes widen and a smile lurk on her face.

"Nothing I haven't seen before, Camz."

"Not ALL of it, you haven't. And I like to have some level of surprise."

"I have a pretty good mental picture in my head," she winks at me. "I have this thing called a photographic imagination."

"That's not even a thing, Laur." I shove her playfully and she falls back into the fridge. She makes a cute pouty face when she finally regains her footing and leans her body into mine.

"Hang on tight." She orders. I wrap both my legs around her waist and my arms around her neck.

She carries me into the bedroom, littering small pecks and nibbles on my neck the whole way, and lays me down on the bed as our lips come together in a tender kiss that was much too quick for my liking. I grab her by the back of her neck, willing her to connect our lips again and she quickly pecks them and pulls out of my grasp. I grunt in response.

"I'll go get the coffee," she says.

"You're not going to get lost or think that your cat drank the coffee now are you?"

"I don't have a cat, Camz."

"And...that's the point. You're acting all weird and spacey."

"I know, sorry. Just thinking about the case is all," she shrugs, leaning down to give me another soft kiss before she whispers, "I'll be right back, I promise." I lay there for the next few minutes, hearing her rummaging through some of the cabinets in the kitchen. She's such a weirdo, I think to myself. I hear the second cup of coffee brewing from where I lay. The front door opens and shuts, and I can hear the clicks of the two locks as she puts them back into place.

A few minutes later I finally hear her footsteps approaching the room again.

"Took you long enough," I tease, sitting up and leaning against the headboard.

When she comes back into the room, she puts the coffees down on the desk and sits in one of the chairs. She opens her notebook to the page she wrote on celebrity deaths, and starts writing things down. She is much quieter than usual and I can't help but wonder why. Lauren takes her phone out of her pocket, fingers gliding quickly across the lock screen and she sets her phone down next to the open files and continues to copy something.

"What are you writing? Any new insights?"

"None yet, I just want to make sure I have all the information that I need."

I throw my legs over the side of the bed and make my way over to the other chair. She turns the screen of her phone off and moves it to the opposite corner of the desk, swivelling in her chair and pulling me into her lap.

Til Death Do us Part (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now