Chapter 30: I Don't Want Your Heart To Break For Me

Start from the beginning

Sara came in with a big smile on her face, carrying a glass dish filled with something in her hands. "It's my grandmas recipe," She said as she sat it down in front of us. No one said anything, but David was smiling and Cristin looked nervous. I'll give Sara an A for at least trying. Hopefully it tastes good, because it really doesn't smell bad.

We all took turns filling our plates and then hesitated.

I took my first bite and almost wished I didn't. My brain is screaming no, but I swallowed it anyway.

James choked on a cough next to me and took a sip of water.

"It's great, honey," David complimented and gave Sara a smile.

"Thank you," she gushed. "I knew you would like it."

I honestly couldn't even tell you what was in it. The next bite I took had to be washed down with water.

Cristin was surprisingly quiet.

"So, Violet," David started, "what does your father do?"

"Dad," James hissed.

"What?" David asked. "I'm just asking a simple question."

"I told you—"

"James, it's fine." I touched his arm lightly and looked at David. "He was into construction last I heard." There was no point in telling him that he had passed away. For some reason, I think he knew. He had to know, right? Maybe I shouldn't jump to conclusions, but I kept it to myself anyway. "He's not around anymore," I added instead.

David just nodded his head and took a sip of his drink. "And your mom?"

"She helps with her...friends diner."

"Like a co-owner?"

A lump formed in my throat and I couldn't answer. Thankfully James was prepared before I was. "Yes, Dad." It was a lie, but I know why James did that.

David made a weird noise and looked down at his food. "James, there was something I needed to talk to you about," He said and took another dreadful bite of Sara's food.

"If it's business, it can wait," James replied with a hint of irritation.

David shook his head and dropped his fork. "No, it can't. I have to go to New York in the morning and I need you on the flight with me first thing in the morning."

James squeezed my hand. "You didn't think to tell me this earlier?"

"It's last minute," David clarified. "I just found out myself."

"Why do you need me there?" James loosened his grip on my palm.

"Because you're going to be taking over the business in a few years and it doesn't hurt to see it all. And your mom can't go, so I really need you there."

I looked to James and he had his jaw clenched. Instead of saying anything, I used my free hand to wrap around his and draw circles over the top of his hand with my thumb. "If you need me there, I'll go," James said finally in a low voice.

"Thank you." I glanced at David and he smiled. It actually felt genuine. "And there's something else I'd like to talk to you about before you leave."

"Yeah, sure," James said.

* * *

After dinner, James followed his dad out of the room and into David's office to talk. There's no reason to be nervous, but I felt it anyway.

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