Chapter 15:We have a lot of explaining

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        The rays of the sun shined into my room through the window.  I opened my eyes and blinked a few times to adjust my eyesight.  I felt weight around my waist.  I turned my head and saw Carter fast asleep next to me.  I kissed his nose and turned to check the time on my alarm clock.  I jumped when I saw my two best friend sitting next to my bed with angry expressions on their faces.  Carter woke up when I jumped.  He jolted up from his sleep alarmed.

"What's wrong?"  He asked.

"It's okay.  My best friends just decided to scare me to death."  I glared at Maria and Justin.

"Sorry we scared you, but our best friend has been missing for two months, was almost killed, and apparently has come back with a boyfriend who was also her kidnapper."  Maria said sarcastically.

"I'm so sorry."  I jumped out bed and hugged my best friends.  I started crying and by the way Maria is shaking right now, I know she is too.

"I missed you so much."  Justin said.  He sniffled and I sat back to see that he was also crying a little bit.  He quickly wiped away his tears and kissed me on the top of my head.

"You have to tell us everything."  Mandy said.  She wiped away her tears and was ready to listen to what I had to say.  I told her and Justin what happened while sitting next to Carter. When they heard everything, at one point Justin tried to punch Carter and Maria tried to tackle him but I stopped both of them before they could do anything.

         It's currently Saturday and I decided I would return to school on Monday.  Carter and I are now headed to Carter's aunts house where he lives.  It took a little bit of convincing, but Carter finally agreed to go home and see his aunt.  Of course, he asked me to tag along.  Carter is ashamed of what he did and doesn't want to have to face his aunt.  He's going to have to at one point, so why not now?

     I forgive him for what he did.  He was manipulated by his mother.  She's the reason for all of this, not him.

  We pulled into the driveway of our destination.  Carter turned off the car and continued to stare at the house.  I placed my hand over his and he turned to look at me.

"It's all going to work out.  I promise."  I tried to comfort.  Carter sighed and then opened up his door.  i stepped out of my side of the car and walked to meet Carter in the front of the door. He grabbed my hand and started to walk to the front door.  He didn't knock before he entered the house. Considering he lived here, I knew he didn't have to.

"Hello?"  A woman called out.

"Aunt Jane."  Carter responded.  Who I'm assuming is Aunt Jane, stepped out from one of the doors in the hallway and her eyes filled with tears.  She ran up to Carter and hugged him.

"I missed you so much, sweetie."  She cried.  He wrapped his big arms around her and held her tight to him.

"I'm so, so sorry."  I heard Carter sniffle.  My eyes teared up at the scene in front of me. I wiped my eyes and Carter's aunt Jane pulled away from the hug and smiled kindly at me.  Carter stepped back beside me and grabbed my hand.  I didn't miss the tears when he turned to smile at me.

"Hello, dear."  Jane greeted.

"Aunt Jane, this is Cara, my girlfriend."  Carter introduced.  Jane's face was shocked.  It's kind of weird, starting a relationship with your kidnapper.  Yeah, not your typical love story.

"Nice to meet you."  I said and held out my hand.  Instead of shaking my hand, Jane hugged me.

"I want to know everything."  She said after she pulled away from the hug.

And that's how Carter and I found ourselves telling the story of what all went down.  Jane understood everything.  She knows how evil her sister is.  Carter seemed so ashamed and Jane immediately told him to stop worrying.  In the end, none of it was his fault.   We stayed for dinner and I went home later that evening.  I wanted to leave Carter and Jane to have some time together.  My parents and I ate dinner and talked about everything.  They're happy I'm home.  We watched tv until I told them I was going to go to bed.  They each hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

  I took a shower and then changed into a pair of black shorts and a yellow t-shirt.  I let my hair air dry and got into bed.  I was almost asleep when I heard someone walking in my room.  I jumped from bed and saw a dark figure in the corner of my room. It started walking towards me and I held up my hands and told them to back away.  They grabbed my shaking hands and all of my fear went away as soon as I felt the persons touch.

"Carter?  You scared me."  I breathed out in relief.  He wrapped his arms around me in a hug and I brought my arms around his neck.  I rested my head on his shoulder and began to doze off.  I felt myself being lifted up bridal style.  I rested my head on his chest and then was placed on my soft bed.  Carter laid down beside me.  I snuggled closer to him, and soon began to doze off soon again.

"I love you."  I heard him say.

"I love you, too."  I responded before sleep finally took over.


  Monday seemed to role on up real quick.  I woke up and began to get ready for school. I can only imagine what all the talk is going to be about when I return.  The whispers and gossip that will probably go around.  I don't know if anyone knows that Carter was the one to kidnap, but I will not allow them to mess with our relationship.

  I straightened my long brown hair and then did my makeup.  I put on some foundation, mascara, and eyeliner.  Then I put on a pair of leggings, a lose grey shirt, and a pair of white vans.  I grabbed my phone and backpack, then walked down the steps.  Someone knocked on the door and I kissed my parents on the cheek before leaving, already knowing that it was Carter.  I walked out the door and Carter gave me a quick kiss before grabbing my backpack to walk to the car. He opened the door for me and then we drove to school.  I may be excited to go.  Surprising, I know.  I have geometry today, so...  I have been gone and basically away from all civilization for two months.  I missed school.

  We pulled up to school, and as expected, everyone stared.  People began whispering, but I didn't let it get to me.  Carter and I walked to my locker as everyone continued to stare.  Maria and Justin were already standing at my locker.  I greeted them and then grabbed my stuff.  I turned my head and saw a bunch of girls staring at me and whispering.  Maria saw my face and walked in the center of the hall.

"Hello!  Everyone needs to stop staring and talking about my best friend.  Yes, she was kidnapped, she is back and okay.  She would also prefer everyone to stop talking about her.  Got it?  Thanks."  Maria shouted out into the hall.  Everyone immediately stopped.

The rest of the day went by normally I guess.  The talking and whispering has decrease due to Marias little announcement.

When lunch time came around, I told Carter and my friends that I was going to go outside in the courtyard for a a little bit. They all offered to join, but I told them a little alone time is much needed at the moment. The stares from the students has me feeling like I have no privacy and everyone is watching my every move.

I walked around the school to where the courtyard is. No one is around but me. All of a sudden my mouth is being covered and I'm pushed up against a wall.

Cliffhanger! I know, I'm sorry.

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