Chapter 14: Final Fight

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  Lilian slowly walked down the steps so she was in front of me. Carter still stood beside me and I took a step forward towards Lillian.

"Finally decided it was time to give up?"  She asked. I laughed.

"No. This is me standing up to you."  I answered, straightening my posture.

"Really?"  Her eyebrows lifted.

"How's your uncle Lawrence?"  She asked.

"I don't know.  Probably not good considering he tried to kill me. Hence the word tried, just like you."  I spat. She scowled at me and I didn't back down.

"So you're really going to try and fight me?"  Lillian asked.

"You can't keep controlling me."  I said.   Lillian looked at me like she was trying to see if I was lying or going to back down. But I didn't.

"Okay."  She said. I drew my eyes up confused. She grabbed my arm and teleported me somewhere, leaving Carter behind with all of the witches.

  I fell to the ground, but hurriedly got back up. Lillian stood there with her hands out. She said a spell and I flew back against a tree with a thud. I fell the ground.  Climbing back up, I winced from the pain. I'm getting angry. I used my magic to throw her backward and then I teleported so I was in front of her. I punched her in the face and then vines grew from the ground and held her against the tree.

"You really think you'll win?"  Lillian asked.

"I know I will."

"I don't think you'll give up. So I have one last option."  Lilian said. Her gaze was behind me and I saw the witches and they had Carter. He fought to get out of their grip, but he couldn't get free. Dread filled my body.

  Lillian suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Here's the deal.  If you can stop me from killing him, I'll let him free. Simple as that."  Lillian said. She put her hands on Carters head and began doings something to him because he starts screaming out in pain.

"Stop!" I yell. I try to move, but the witches have a barrier keeping me from them. I can visibly see Carter getting weaker. She can't do this. I don't know what to do!

"STOP!!"  I scream. I open my eyes and see the witches and Lillian have fallen to the ground and Carter included. That took so much energy out of me. The barrier between us broke and I managed to fight off all of the witches. But it has come with a price.

  All of the witches but Lillian is unconscious.   Cater is also laying on the ground. He hasn't moved, so I don't know if he is unconscious or not.  I don't think they'll be awake for a while. Lillian suddenly appeared in front of me and she said a spell causing my head to hurt. I held on to my head with my hands and cried out.

I feel myself weakening. My vision is getting blurry and I know Lillian is draining all my magic from me. Not able to hold them open anymore, my eyes closed. The last thing I saw was Carter tackle Lillian to the ground and then darkness.


My eyes are still closed as I feel what is around me. Something soft is beneath me and the smell is familiar. I opened my eyes and realized I was in my room. No one was around but I heard yelling. I climbed out of bed, but my head is killing me and fm body is sore.

The yelling grew louder as I walked to the living room.

"You need to leave!" I heard my dad demand.

"I can't." Carter said.

"You've done enough. Leave." My dad said getting closer to Carter. I ran into the room and stood in front of Carter.

"Dad, calm down." I said. His face softened and he wrapped his arms around me.

"My baby girl!" He cried. Tears fell from my eyes and I held him tight to me.

"Sweetie." I heard my moms voice. I moved from my dads arms and ran into my moms. The eyes were like a waterfall.

"I'm so sorry, momma. So, so sorry." I cried

"Sh. It's okay, sweetie. I love you." My mom comforted.

"I love you too." I responded. I pulled away from the hug and saw Carter. The last time I saw him, he had tackled his mom to the ground. With the magic she took from me, I was sure she would have killed him. He was weak. I saw him lying unconscious on the ground and the witches were hurting him. But he's alive.

I ran and jumped into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck. My face is buried in his neck and I'm sobbing now.

"I'm here." He whispered in my ear.

"She was going to kill you." I cried. Carter cupped my face and and looked me in the eye.

"I'm here. I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I responded. I rested my head back into his neck and tried to stop crying.

I heard my dad clear his throat. I unwrapped my legs from around Carter and set my feet on the ground.

"We need to talk. But you guys need to know that Carter is not the bad guy at all. It was all Lillian." I spoke.

My parents nodded and we sat on the couch. Carter next to me on one couch and my parents on the other.

"I was at a party, when Carter kidnapped me.  I was talking to Carter and then he kidnapped me. I woke up int the morning and found out we were staying at an abandoned house. I tried to run away and was attacked by a mountain lion. Thanks to Carter, I was saved but still very injured."  I began to explain.

"He took care of me, and then I started having head pains. Lillian was getting in my head and draining power from me. She was also trying to find my location. We moved to another abandoned house before we went to Carters cousins house. He's a vampire. We ended up staying there for a while and then we left because I couldn't take it anymore. I found Lillian and was ready to fight. She made a deal, if I can save Carter, then he lives and she'll let him go.  If not.."  A lump formed in my throat. What if I had not been able to save him?  I push the thought out of my mind because he is here now.

  Carter squeezed my hand encouraging me to move on and that everything was okay. I swallowed and then continued to speak.

"I saved him, but was very weak. I couldn't fight her any longer. I was going to die, but I wasn't going to let Carter die. I had to save him. She was draining my magic from me and then I blacked out."  I finished.

"He still kidnapped you, Cara."  My dad argued.

"He was manipulated by Lillian, dad. We're talking about Lillian here. She's evil and Carter was there for me."  I said back.

"Honey, she loves him. And she makes a good point."  My mom said. My dad looked over at her and then his face softened. He stuck out his hand and Carter took it. They shook hands and a small smile appeared on my face.

"Thank you for saving her." My dad said to Carter.

"No problem at all."

"Carter is staying here tonight." I said.

My dad went to argue but he stopped when he saw my face. He knows I'm not going to back down from the argument.

  I don't want Carter to leave. I've been with him everyday for two months. I have almost lost him two times. I don't want him to leave my side.

  That night Carter and I went to bed. We slept through out the whole night, exhausted from the events of everything.

Home at last.

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