Chapter 22: No Way....

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"How long is he supposed to stay in here?" I asked my parents.

"As long as it takes." My dad answered.

"It's been three days!" I shouted.  I ran my hands through my hair and paced around the room.

  Carter and I have been in this basement for three days and only leaving under the exception of bathroom use and food. It's cold and I've seen tons of little critters scurrying around that I wish I hadn't and the desire to leave here grows. We've talked and played games to keep ourselves busy. Lillian knows what she's doing. She knows it's driving me crazy having to wait and see what her next move is.

  I'm ready, but my patience is running thin. I've had to hold back tears several times without Carter knowing cause I'm trying to remain strong for him and for me.

"It takes time honey. Lillian probably knows that we are trying to get to her and keep her from endangering anyone. I'm sorry this is how it has to be." My mom responds.

"I can't take this anymore." I groan.

"Can you two give us a minute please?" Carter asked my parents as I rubbed my face with my hands.

When the door clicked shut I knew my parents were out of the room. I sighed and blinked back the tears threatening to fall down my face. I turned to look at Carter but for some reason he doesn't look the same. There's an evil smug like smirk on his face.

"Wow, well don't you have a wonderful timing of showing up Lillian." I spit out.

"Cara!" She said drawing out my name.

"Glad we have time to talk." I said.

"Carter's growing weak. I can feel it. He's gone right now, can't hear a thing we're saying or see me destroy you." Lillian smiled. "Shame though." She added.

"Oh please. Stop with the empty threats!" I scoffed.

"Well, does my son know that you're carrying his child?" Lillian asked.

  I froze and I can feel the color drain from my face. She's messing with me. There's no way that I could be carrying his child right now. I'm not pregnant.

"What're you talking about?" I asked.

"I can hear it. Loud heartbeat it has. Why don't you let grandma feel the bump." Lillian's hand reached forward but I jumped back.

"You stay away from me." I sneered.

"I'll be back. See you later, Cara." Lillian said and then Carters body shook for a minute and then his eyes opened.

"Lillian took over. What did she say?" Carter asked.

"I have to go." I mumbled and stumbled out of the room. 

"What did she say? Cara!" Carter shouted for me but I had to leave for a minute. I walked my past my parents and down the steps to the door that leads outside. They tried to talk to me but I just kept walking. Voices drown out and all I can hear is my heartbeat. I walked for about ten minutes then stopped in the middle of the woods.

  My shaking hand made its way on my stomach. I have to know if what Lillian was saying was a lie. I use my powers for hearing to listen closely to everything in my body.

I hear my heart.

And I hear another heartbeat.

  My hands fly to my mouth and I sob. She wasn't lying. What am I going to do? I scream as loud as I can knowing no one will hear me. I continue to sob until there's no tears left. My feet move to the direction of my house. I don't know how I'm functioning right now. My mind is clouded. All I know is I make my way to the room where Carter is and just stare blankly at the wall.

  Carter stands up and opens his arm waiting for me to come into them. I shuffle over and rest against him, and in a some strange way, all the tears start coming again when I thought they were all gone. Carter is rubbing my back and he waits until I stop crying to ask what's wrong.

"She told me something that has flipped my world and I don't know what to do." I murmured.

"She's trying to get to you. She wants you to feel weak and find some way to bring you down. Don't believe a thing she says." Carter took my face and cupped my cheeks with his warm hands. How they managed to be warm in this cold basement is beyond me.

"But what she told me is true." I cried. I backed away and Carter reached for me before I could get away. I shook my head and cried.

"I'm so so scared. I'm terrified." I continued to cry. 

"Cara, I will always be here.  She won't hurt you."

"She's gonna hurt us."

"There's nothing she can do to come between us. I promise." Carter assured.

"No, not me and you."

"What?" Carter asked.

"I can't let her come near me. She'll use you both against me now."


  Instead of telling Carter, I took his hand and used my magic so he could hear what I heard in the woods.

"Is that-?" Carter asked but didn't finish his sentence. I nodded my head and sniffled. Fear runs through me as I hesitate to look up at Carter. I don't know how he's going to be. Will he be angry?

I finally looked up and met Carter's eyes. At first his face was blank but then it softened and he cupped my face with his hands.

"It's okay." He whispered. I can't stop shaking. The warmth of Carter's hands doesn't help the shaking.

"I'm scared." My voice breaks. Carter grabs me and pulls me into his lap. I rest my head on his chest as the shaking continues.

"Close your eyes." Carter says and I do. "Imagine your on the shoreline of the ocean. The waves brush your feet as you stare out into the sunset. Purple, blue, and yellow paints the sky. It's peaceful."

I open my eyes after a few minutes to find that my shaking is gone.

"I want you to know that I'm not going anywhere. I'm here, now and forever. This is a total surprise, but we can get through this together. Life is a miracle. It's going to be scary and we don't know what to do, but does anyone else? I love you and it's never going to change." I heard Carter say. I smiled and snuggled close to his chest.

"I love you." I said.

"This is going to be hard on the both of us, but I don't think it's a good idea for you to stay in here anymore. We have a lot more to-" Carter began to say but I put my finger to his lips to shush him.

"I know. It's okay, I'll visit you. Love you." I whispered and climbed off the ground and kissed Carter real quick.

  Walking out the door I put my hand on my stomach and smile. But a little bit of fear still courses through me.

Who expected that to happen ? I didn't even expect it to happen until I got to writing.

Update coming in a little bit!!

Taken Legend #2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora