Chapter 19: Phone Calls

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   It's been a couple days since I have found out that Carter is being possessed by his mother. That's the reason he was avoiding me. Carter felt like there was something wrong and he didn't want me to get hurt, so he did what he did to protect me.

  Carter has still been staying at his house in case his mom decided to possess him again. It hurts being away from him so much, but I'm trying to figure out a plan of what to do.

  When I found out about the whole possess thing, I took Carter and to see my parents. If anyone knows how to fix the situation, it should be them. My parents have been through some of the toughest situations. I don't doubt they can help fix this situation.

  They were shocked at first. They didn't believe Carter and it took a lot of convincing. Well, it took a lot of convincing for my dad. He saw how I was when Carter basically said we were breaking up. I was emotional, and my parents could see the sadness on my face the moment I walked into the room.

It's understands though. I'm not a parent, but I think I can understand where their coming from with the concern. After everything that has happened though, I don't think that Carter ever meant to hurt me or ever will.

  My phone buzzed on my bedside table as I read my book. The caller id said Carter. I smiled and answered the phone.

"Hi Carter."

"Hello beautiful." I smiled and blushed a little bit.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Okay I guess. How about you?"

"I miss you." I responded. My parents informed Carter and I that we would have to remain separated until they find a solution to this problem. With Lillian's hunger for power, it's very dangerous to be around Carter right now. It's tough. I went from seeing everyday to not being aloud to see him because he's being possessed.

"I miss you too." Carters tone saddened. I frowned and played with a string on my blanket. Tears brimmed my eyes and I tried to push them away so Carter wouldn't hear I'm crying. I failed when I made a sniffling sound.

"Oh, princes. Don't cry. Please?" Carter tried to comfort.

"I miss you, Carter. What if they can't do anything?" I cried. It could take months to figure out something or there's not a solution at all. I don't think I can go that long m

"Don't think like that princess. We are going to figure this out. We will be together soon again. If you ever want to talk  to me, do not hesitate to call me. I love you so, so much." Carter said.

"I love you too." I replied and wiped away the remaining tears.

"It's getting lately, love. Get some sleep and I'll talk to you soon. I love you."

"I love you too." And then I hung up the phone. This process is going to seem like a lifetime. Let's hope for the best.

Omg so sorry for the wait! What's up my peeps??


Friday is coming up, which means the WEEKEND! omg I can't wait.

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Peace out!!

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