Chapter 24: Just gonna cry ya know

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The effects of my pregnancy are definitely hitting me now. I'm hungry like all the time. Well, I'm always hungry anyways but now it's worse. Sweets have been my cravings but I'm trying my best to eat along the healthier side to be safe. It makes me angry and cranky at times, but I know it's worth it in the end. I've gotten a bit of morning sickness which sucks. It's not all the time but a couple times already this week. When they say morning sickness, it's not just in the morning. I'll be in bed relaxing and about ready to go to bed when I feel a sudden urge to run to the toilet. Then there's one last thing that I always find myself doing.

I cry.

I cry because of everything. When a commercial comes on the tv that I think is cute or sad, I cry. I cry when I run out of my favorite snack and when I think I lose something. I honestly had no idea that I would be this emotional. My parents didn't really expect it either because they're always trying to find a way to comfort me. They try to distract me from the things they know will make me cry. One time they even resulted into a little dance and sang a song that they use to love when they were my age. I have never seen them do this and it really did help me stop crying. Well for a little bit it did because I ended up laughing so hard that I cried.

So here I am crying alone in my bed. I'm crying because I want to see Carter, but we've had to watch how much I see him. I woke and up and rolled over in my bed expecting to see Carter there. Remembering the whole situation brought tears in my eyes. It's hard to sit here and think about how he is now down in my basement where we have it set up for any witches or vampires we have to lock down there. It's basically a dungeon and Carter is down there chained up. I really do miss him. It's been a couple days and it sucks that I can't have him here to comfort me when I'm crying and just being by my side.

Now I've had enough. I need to see him.

I hop off of my bed in my grey sweatpants and one of Carter's sweatshirts. It smells just like him and provides me with comfort know I have something of his. I walk down the steps and to the door of the room he is in. I turn the knob and walk in with tears running down my face.

Carter is sitting on his bed playing with his fingers. When he hears me, his head comes up and he looks at me. Carter jumps off the bed and looks me up and down but doesn't come to touch me. He keeps his distance.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?" Carter asks. I smile at his concern but my smile soon disappears and tears stream down my face again.

"I just really miss you right now." My voice cracks. Carters face softens and he just stares at me.

"I just want to come hug you and I can't." I continue to cry.

"Well isn't this sad." Someone speaks behind me. I turn to see an older guy who looks really mean. He has a grown out dark beard with short hair. Wrinkles are noticeable and his eyes are the darkest eyes I've ever seen besides Lillian's. A younger woman beside him looks lost and doesn't seem to care about her surroundings. She has long red hair and bright green eyes. She seems to be about thirty to forty years old. She's really pretty.

I move to the side of the room. Away from the man and the woman while keeping my distance from Carter. I take a moment to look at Carter and there's no sign that Lillian has taken over.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Just here for a little transfer." The man answers.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Lillian will be moved from Carters body and to this lovely ladies body. She will be free." The man smiles evilly. I go to stop him but he quickly uses his magic to push me the wall and holds me there. I can't move my fingers or any part of my body at all. My mouth can't move and all I can do is watch Carter as he struggles to break free from his chains. The man moves closer to Carter and starts murmuring something to himself.

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