Tex grinned at Sam. "Drinks were on you, by the way." He slipped through the crowd and Sam saw him step up to the girl and say something. He watched as they walked out of the bar, together.

Sam sat at the bar for another couple hours, drinking whiskey and watching the crowd behind him through the mirror.

He didn't see anyone that interested him, so he paid the tab and stepped outside. The sign across the street caught his attention.

"Custom tattoos." He read. His hand slipped into his pocket and closed around the necklace. He had no idea why he had put it in there. He had seen it out of the corner of his eye, sitting on the table, as he was leaving his room and he had picked it up.

Now, he looked at it closely and the pain in his chest tore through his body, nearly knocking him off his feet. The filigree was smashed in and he saw the small blue stone had been cracked in half.

Sarah was definitely sending him a message.

He crossed the street unsteadily, he had lost track of how much he'd drank.


Dave sat back in his chair and looked at the couple that sat across from him.

"Congratulations! So, when do you move in?" He asked. "We can move our stuff in Thursday, July 1st." Pete grinned, putting his arm around Sarah. "We are gonna have a party to celebrate, right, Sarah?"

Sarah smiled at him. "We need to get furniture first, or everyone will be sitting on the floor."

"We're headed to the store next. Why don't you run down to the tent and get the stuff, roll us up a couple. I want to talk to Dave for a minute, then I'll be down."

Sarah closed the door to the office behind her. She knew that Pete was going to tell Dave about Sam's visit that morning. She would rather not be there to hear it.

Pete waited until Sarah was gone, then he leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest.

"That fucking cocksucker was in town today. He found out where I lived and came to see Sarah."

Dave looked surprised. "How did it go? How was Sarah?"

"She did good while he was there. He was being a fucking asshole to her and she told him that it was over. But after he left, she was a basket case. I'm trying to keep her busy today."

"I'll tell Midgie, she's at work right now. Weren't you supposed to work today?"

"Yeah, but I talked to my dad and he gave me time off. I need to be with her, make sure she's alright."

Dave looked over at Pete, sharply. "You know, she still loves that son of a bitch, right?"

"I know she still loves him." Pete paused. "What are you saying?"

"I just think you may be getting in too deep with her."

Pete looked, levelly, at Dave. "I know what I'm doing. Sarah needs a friend, she needs to feel secure. I'm filling that need right now."

"And when she starts needing more?"

Pete smiled, sadly, at his cousin. "I won't get my hopes up too high. I know there's a good chance that it won't be me."

Dave nodded in agreement. "Just remember that." He stood up and opened the door. "I have to go check on some things. You have any plans tonight? Maybe Midgie and I can stop by later."

Sarah looked at the two couches, side by side, one was a floral pattern in bright colors, the other was a plaid, in brown, orange and tan colors. Both were long enough to accommodate Pete's long frame, but she liked the liked the floral one better.

Hearts Of Glass #AdultFictionWhere stories live. Discover now