"Sure, sweetheart." Sam put the joint, backwards in his mouth, and blew the smoke into her puckered lips. He took it out, and leaned forward, sucking in the smoke that Sarah exhaled. She smiled and touched her finger to his dimple.

"Okay, we'll go to a movie." Sam conceded.

They had checked with the hotel desk clerk and found a movie they agreed on and the clerk assured them that the theater was within walking distance. The times listed allowed them to go to lunch first so they went to the restaurant next door.

Sam bit into his cheeseburger, hungrily, then looked over and saw Sarah set down her sandwich after taking a bite.

"What's wrong? I don't know about you, but I worked up an appetite." He grinned, mischievously.

"I don't know, this fish tastes funny." She pulled the piece of fish out from the bun and looked at it, then shrugged and set it aside. "I think I'll just eat my fries."

They cuddled close during the movie and shared a tub of popcorn and a root beer. After the movie, they held hands and walked back to the hotel, laughing as they discussed Sam's crush on Goldie Hawn.

"I love her giggle." Sam insisted. "It kinda gets me right here." He smacked his chest and looked at her sideways. "Yours does that to me too."

"She has little boobs!" Sarah laughed.

Sam stopped Sarah on the sidewalk; pulling her in to face him, he slid his hand between them to cup hers. "A mouthful is nice, but a handful is better." He said and gently squeezed. "Let's go back to the hotel and I'll show you."


Sarah sat next to Trish at the restaurant, laughing as her friend teased her.

"No, we didn't stay in bed all day. We went out this afternoon." Sarah said, giggling. "Sam took me to the movies."

Trish looked at Sarah in surprise. "A movie? What possessed you two to go to the movies?"

"It's not that weird to go to the movies on a date!" Sarah said.

Trish looked around Sarah, at Sam, sitting on the other side. "Sam, how romantic! You took Sarah on a date!" She said, loudly.

Her voice carried over in a second of silence, and everyone stopped and looked at Sam. They all guffawed loudly, teasing him unmercifully. "Aw-w-w! How sweet. A date!"

Sam looked around at them all, and grinned. "If your girl wants a date, you take her on a date!" He winked at Sarah. "Trust me, she'll show her appreciation, later."

They all laughed as Sarah blushed, then went back to their food and conversation continued around the table. She glanced over at Tex to see his reaction, but he was concentrating on the food in front of him.

Trish grabbed her arm, whispering in her ear. "It sounds like you and Sam are getting along better. We didn't hear any shouting coming from your room." Trish laughed and added. "We heard sounds but they weren't angry!"

Sarah giggled and whispered back. "It's the honeymoon stage all over again! I love it!"

Trish motioned towards Gisette, at the opposite end of the table. "She hates it. Look! Serves her right for making you so miserable!"

Sarah looked down the table. Gisette put a forkful of food in her mouth and chewed, then gagged the mouthful into her napkin.

"She looks sick." Sarah said.

"Yeah, well." Trish turned to her own plate, lifting a forkful of salad. "She's so filled with spite, it must be backing up on her.""

Nobody noticed Gisette's struggle but Sarah. She watched as the french girl tried to eat, but couldn't.

Hearts Of Glass #AdultFictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang