4. Forgive Me, For I've Sinned 》Candy

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Angela's POV:

I sighed and messed with the end of my flannel just willing the service to start already. It wasn't that I didn't like church, because I did in a sense. Well, I didn't believe in God or any of that shit, I was only here because Father Carson was hot as hell. I guess his sermons were pretty inspirational even though I was mostly starring at his ass or arms the whole time. He also had a very nice smile and eyes.

"You don't have to say I love you to say I love you, forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons." I muttered and looked down at my hands in my lap. "We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue. Sickeningly sweet like honey, don't need money, all I need is you." When was this service going to start? Father Carson was never late, or maybe it was just my anticipation to see what he was going to be wearing and doing today that seemed to slow everything down a million times.

I felt a sharp nudge to my ribs and looked over at whoever had just pulled me from my thoughts of the pastor. Whatever it is can't be as important as what I was thinking of doing to him right then. "Shut up and look. It's your husband, Father Carson." Jenny smirked and pointed where he was standing. The choir was where they always are, with Maxx and Dan to the left of the podium and Zach and Austin to the right. Nothing unusual. The black and turquoise diamond flag was still hanging with their names going down the side with the name of the church in the middle. The Church of Awakening Souls was in bold black and white lettering, borderline cursive and borderline comic sans, what a mix. Who even knew cursive comic sans was a thing?

"Alright, well let's get this service started." Father Carson said, his eyes scanning the crowd before going to the podium in front of him. "As you know, confessionals are open before and after every service. You can either speak with Zach, Maxx, Dan, Austin or I during those times. Uh...I think that's al there is to announce right now, but let's get this started."


"Can I be honest with you for a second? I've never wanted anything more than this in my entire life. You see we fight day in and day out against all odds in hopes to attain that level of success that we crave so badly. To live our wildest dreams in a world so filled to the brim with skepticism that we sometimes have to scratch and claw for that light of optimism that keeps us going.

So we can know how it feels to truly fly high. And we refuse to be consumed by our surrounding;

No matter how evil they may be. And it confounds me how much evil there is out there in today's world. And so much of it dedicated for the sake of being fake or fooling others just so they can get by.

Now, don't get me wrong. I am not a perfect person. In fact, that word makes me sick.

Perfection? A word thrown around like pennies to the fountain floor. And we soak up that scumb like a flithy sponge.

Well, allow me to introduce myself. I am not perfect. I am sick slinging sins and sipping on false confidence.


I am stubborn, unnervingly persistent, and foolishly fishing for compliments to cope with my self-doubt.

Now let me ask you this: who the hell wants to be perfect?

I am proud of my flaws and I will wear them like a badge of honour on my shirt.

I am good. I am evil. I am solace. I am chaos. I am human!

And that is all I have ever wanted to be. I know who I am.

Now who are you?"


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