They stumbled into the hall, their hands on each other as they fell back onto the stairwell in the back corner. Gisette hands stroked him as she slid the zipper down and freed him from the tightness of his jeans. Their lips were lightly touching and the softly spoken words were warm breaths that added to the flame.

He pushed her back on the stair, feeling the jolt as her head hit the wood. His hand pulled at the slit in her skirt and heard the fabric tear. The unbearable ache guided him and he could feel her silken thighs widen as she rocked up to meet him.

He felt a whoosh of air as he was yanked backward. Gisette was cursing loudly at the interuption and he fought to get back to her, to slide into the warmth he so badly wanted.

Georgie pulled Sam off Gisette and hauled his ass outside the bar, pushing him around and yelling. He told Sam that he was a stupid fucking asshole to leave Sarah alone.

Sam stumbled around in confusion, attempting to zip his pants as his mind tried to change tracks. His body was still vibrating from his actively engaged libido just a minute ago. He needed the release that he had been so close to getting. He swung out angrily at his brother, but he was still unsteady on feet and his aim was off.

Georgie grabbed the arm that Sam swung at him. He held it in the air as he sneered in Sam's face. "You fucking dumb ass! Get your dick out of that whore and go get your girl!"

Georgie said that Sarah had left with Tex and he wouldn't blame her if she fucked him. He told Sam that it was a good possibility that Sarah and Tex were fucking right now, after all, isn't that what he was just doing?

When the words sunk in, Sam was stunned. Sarah and Tex? He left Georgie, outside the bar, still yelling at him, as he ran to the hotel.

Sam sucked down his drink, left a couple bills on the bar, and left.

He turned and walked in the opposite direction of the hotel, deep in thought. He was a fucking asshole, just like Georgie said.

He had a beautiful girl, one who had loved him with all her heart. Sarah had left everything behind and went with him when he asked her to. She had chosen him over Pete, someone who could have given her a more stable life. Someone who would have loved her as she deserved to be loved. Fuck! The guy that she had given her cherry to! The son of a bitch that was just waiting for him to fuck up. The only one that Sam knew who could take Sarah away from him

And what had he done? Sam cursed himself mentally. He had let himself get caught up in Gisette's web, again. And in doing so, he could lose the only girl who ever meant anything to him. Sarah was the only girl he had ever loved, the only girl he ever wanted to love. And he was driving her right into Pete's arms.

Sam looked around at the deserted sidewalk and street, then lit up a joint, smoking it as he walked. He knew he had to go back and talk to Sarah. And apologize, beg, plead with her to please forgive him. He had to prove to her that he would be true to her. With a plan in mind, he turned on his heel and jogged back to the hotel.


Sam entered his room and heard pounding coming from the door connecting his room to Georgie's. He threw the door open, then ducked as Georgie's fist came down near his head.

"What the fuck is wrong, man?" Sam yelled.

Georgie ran to the bed, frantically telling Sam. "I have been knocking and yelling at this door, for five minutes! Here, sit her up!"

Sam pulled Sarah to a sitting position and her head lolled back.

"Sarah! Sweetheart, wake up!" he yelled as he patted her cheeks. "Fuck, Georgie! She's not coming around! Sarah, please, Sweetheart!" He pulled her to him, crying as he rocked her. "Sarah, please!"

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