Sam placed his hand on hers and his eyes flicked to the mirror that was across the front windshield. He could see that Sarah had her eyes closed, it looked like she was still asleep.

"Aren't you fucking Tex, now?" He asked, skeptically.

"No, I don't want to be with anyone else."

Gisette felt Sam's fingers intertwine with hers and squeeze.

She knew that Sarah was awake. She had seen what Sam missed when he looked away from the mirror. Sarah had opened her eyes, and locked them on Gisette's.

"What would you write about us? What would the song be like?" Gisette asked.

"It would have a lot of thunder and lightening." Sam laughed.

"And fire." Gisette added. "A lot of fire and passion."

Sam looked at her, speculatively. "Yeah, there was a lot of that." He said, softly. He raised their entwined hands and ran a knuckle along her jaw.

Gisette's hand still rested high on his thigh and now her fingers walked up to the seam in the middle.

She ran her finger back and forth, smiling when she felt him move under it.

He shifted in the seat and glanced at the mirror. "Pas bon, Gisette, pas bon."  He muttered under his breath.

She slid out of her seat, throwing a smile over her shoulder at him, as she walked to the back of the bus. "Write me a hot sexy song, Sam."

Sam watched Gisette walk away, then looked at Sarah's image in the mirror. He saw, with relief, that she was still asleep.

Sarah kept her eyes closed as she heard Gisette walk away from Sam. She felt the pin pricks start up in her chest. 

She felt herself drifting into sleep again, thankful that the pills were working on her, when she slept she didn't have to think about anything.

Sarah woke and sat up, looking at the group scattered behind her on the bus. Everyone had found a spot to curl up in and was asleep.

Sam was sleeping in the seat behind her, his head laying on a pillow, leaned against the window.

James, the bus driver, said softly from his seat. "Everyone's finally settled down. I hope I didn't wake you with the radio."

"No" Sarah yawned and stretched. "You didn't. How much longer till we get to Denver?"

"A couple more hours." Sarah stood and headed for the bathroom at the back of the bus, stepping over legs and feet that were in the aisle.

When she came out, she saw that Tex had woken up and was sitting on the couch, his legs stretched out and his arms crossed over his chest.

He patted the cushion beside him and she sat down, curling her legs under her.

"How are things going?" Tex asked, quietly so no one could hear.

"Ok." Sarah knew that he was asking about her and Sam.

"Sarah, honey," Tex lowered his voice even more. "Don't lie to me. I'm the only one who really sees what's going on."

Sarah looked at him in surprise. "What's going on, exactly? Please tell me what you see."

Tex saw the troubled look come into her eyes, and he picked up her hand, smoothing his fingers over her knuckles. "You came into his life about the same time he dropped Gisette. And he fell in love with you. I know he loves you. Gisette knows that too. She's used to getting her own way and she's not too thrilled about losing Sam. But.... she also found out how badly she wants this job. She saw that she was messing up as road manager. It all came crashing down on her, and she poured out her guts to us. She has all the other guys pulling for her, trying to help her stay."

Sarah narrowed her eyes, suspiciously. "And you don't feel the same way?"

"I fucking hate girls that are like her. She's had everything handed to her all her life. No, I didn't fall for her sob story at all. But I'm all for keeping this band together, if I have to put up with her, then I will. She acts like she is our friend, all nice and cozying up to us. But I see how she is around Sam. I know she is trying to get him back by this act of hers.... I don't like to see you getting caught in the middle."

Tex looked at Sarah, and leaned in to speak directly at her. "Sarah, I really like you. Ever since the first time I met you, I knew that you were special. If you were with me, I'd never look at another girl. I can't believe that Sam is letting Gisette get to him again."

"Maybe what Gisette has told me is true. I can't take care of him the way she can." Sarah felt her eyes fill up with tears.

Tex wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and pulled her closer. "I don't believe that at all. You have no idea how sexy you are. But I can tell you, that you have to take better care of yourself."

Sarah looked up at him, sharply. "What do you mean?"

"Honey, I know you've been taking some kind of pills every day." Tex's hand slid down to close around to her rib cage. "I see how you don't eat; you're losing weight, I can feel your bones."

Sarah knew what Tex was saying was true. She had been taking something every day, just to help her cope with everything. And as a result, she hadn't been eating much.

"I don't know what to do, Tex. I don't want to lose him."

Tex gave her shoulders a squeeze. "You won't. I'm watching Gisette, I know how she works. Remember the other day, when you saw us in the elevator?"

He felt her nod. "I saw she was making the moves on Sam in the pool. So I got her away from him."

"You took her back to your room?"

"I wanted to see if she would be as nice to me." Tex chuckled. "She wasn't interested."

They heard someone stirring around in one of the seats. Tex sat her back away from him, whispering as he did. "Take care of yourself, honey."

"Thanks, Tex..You're a good friend."

"Yeah, well, if you ever want more than that....." He laughed as she punched his arm. But Sarah could hear the truth behind his joking.

Hearts Of Glass #AdultFictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora