"I'm putting together an album of yours and Sam's trip." Trish told Sarah as she drank her coffee. Both girls had taken a speeder that morning on the way back from the airport, and neither of them were eating much.

Trish tapped Sarah's hand, murmuring under her breath. "Don't let that bother you." She tipped her head to Gisette and Sam. "She's been trying to be nicer to all the guys. And I think she is just really making an extra effort to get along with Sam."

Everyone gathered in Georgie and Trish's room after the show. There was a connecting door between their room and Leon's that was opened, giving everyone more space to move around. Sam sat on the chair and pulled Sarah onto his lap, kissing her neck.

"We were hot tonight! Did you hear the crowd?" Sam breathed against her neck. His hand was roaming over her, trying to pull her closer. Sarah felt the energy coming from him, radiating heat between them. His kisses were getting harder and more demanding.

"You feel so fucking good." His hands continued moving lower on Sarah. He grabbed her hand and put it on him. She knew he had to have taken something and she was getting more upset as he groped her.

She stood up and stepped away from him. "I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back."

The bathroom door was locked in Georgie's room so Sarah climbed over people that were in the connecting doorway and into Leon's room. She saw Leon on the bed with a girl, in some very vigorous foreplay, mindless of the people around them.

Trish caught her arm as she came out of the bathroom, "Georgie told me that he saw Leon and Sam snorting something before the show tonight."

"Was it just coke?" Sarah asked.

"I don't know. Leon had told them that he scored some stuff. Sam was the only one who went with him." Trish squeezed her arm. "You remember last time he got fucked up."

Sarah looked through the open door and saw a young girl standing by Sam. She watched as the groupie squeezed into the chair with Sam, her arms going around his neck.

Sam laughed and held up his arms helplessly. He wasn't making any moves to encourage the groupie, but neither was he fighting her off.

She made her way as quickly as possible through the crowd. Grabbing the groupie by the arm, she pulled her away from Sam. "Get away from him, bitch."

She pulled Sam out of the chair. "C'mon, Sam, you're going with me."

FRIDAY - JUNE 11, 1976

Sarah groaned as she rolled over in bed. She and Sam had been awake nearly all night, before she finally fell asleep about 6 a.m. She squinted at the clock and saw it was 10:00.

Sam was passed out on his stomach beside her. His slow breathing meant he was in a deep sleep, he had finally crashed. She went into the bathroom and turned on the shower and soon the small room was filled with steam.

After her shower, she went to check on Sam and saw he was still asleep and decided to go next door to Georgie's room. After searching for her room key, she gave up and decided to leave her door open a crack, in case Sam was still passed out when she came back.

Trish answered the door in the tee shirt she had on the night before. She held her finger to her lips, shushing Sarah as she let her into the room.

"Georgie's still sleeping." Trish whispered, pulling Sarah into the bathroom.

Trish leaned against the counter and lit a cigarette, looking at Sarah, sitting on the closed toilet. "That was a hell of night, last night. I think we all partied a little harder than usual. We're all going to feel a little crispy today. I see you survived it."

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