After checking in at their hotel, they had gathered in Georgie's room and partied for a couple hours, then they all staggered back to their own rooms.

Sam and Sarah had spent the next couple hours making love and talking. They covered every subject from childhood, school, favorite foods,colors, songs, every subject led to another. They talked themselves to sleep, then one or the other would move and they would make love again. The pattern was repeated several times until sleep overcame them.

Sam watched Sarah as she came awake; he loved how she looked when she first woke up. Her eyes fluttered open, then she smiled and closed them again, with a sigh. "It still feels like a dream."

Sam kissed her, softly. "That's the way it is for me, too. I'm so glad you're here, sweetheart." He said as he tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

Sam curled a finger under her chin, lifting it and looking into her eyes. "You have to call your parents today. I'm sure they are worried about you."

Sarah nodded in agreement. "I know, but it's going to be so hard. I don't know how to make them understand."

"Sarah, they will probably never understand. But they will forgive you. They are your parents, they love you. It's important that you let them know that you're alright. You have to promise me that you'll call them every couple days. Ok?"

He saw her nod again, and he smiled. "My god, you look beautiful."

He trailed his fingers over her belly, causing her to giggle.

"Sam! I have to go pee!" She squirmed under his tickling fingers and felt his reaction. "Let me go pee! I'll come right back!" Sliding out from under him, she ran to the bathroom.

A few minutes later, she ran back out and jumped on him, straddling him. "Alright, now you pay!"

She tackled his belly, feeling him squirm under her, as she unmercifully tickled him.

Sarah saw a wicked gleam sparkle in his eyes and felt him push against her, and smiling slyly, she lifted her hips to accommodate him.

Sam entered the bathroom as Sarah was braiding her hair. He watched as her hands worked the plaits. "That's amazing to watch."

She smiled at him, rolling her eyes. "Only you could think this was amazing."

"Everything you do is amazing to me, sweetheart." Sam kissed her neck, then swatted her butt. "I have to go to practice. Don't forget to call your parents."

"I'll be in Trish's room when you come back." Sarah kissed him soundly on the lips. "Don't be too long."

Sarah sat on the bed, holding the phone on her lap. She had told Sam the truth. This was going to be a hard call to make. She groaned to herself, then lifted the receiver and dialed the number. Her mother answered it on the second ring; Sarah wondered if she had been waiting by the phone.

"Hello, mom." Sarah felt the tears forming, and her throat ached, as she tried not to cry.

"Sarah Jane Winston! I don't know why you are doing this!" Her mother began in an angry voice that cracked at the end.

Sarah heard her mother draw in a deep breath, then Jane Winston continued. "Your father and I have been worried sick!"

"I know, I'm sorry. I didn't do this to hurt you, and I don't want you to worry about me." Sarah clutched the receiver tightly. "I'm happy with Sam. He's a good person, and I want to be with him."

Hearts Of Glass #AdultFictionWhere stories live. Discover now