Sarah felt the cool tiles of the wall against her back, as she slid against them. Her arms tightened around his shoulders as her hips moved in rhythm with his. She felt herself being drawn into his reasoning. She could stay, and be there with him. She wanted to stay. She couldn't imagine having to leave him now.

"Yes, I'll stay. I don't want to leave you." She answered him breathlessly, giving in to the fire that consumed her.

By the time Midgie stepped into their room, an hour later, everything had been set in motion. Sarah had called her parents and told them she wasn't coming home.

It was a rough call, her mother begging her, tearfully, to think about what she was doing. Her father got on the phone, threatening to track her down and come after her. Sarah had told him that if he did that, she would never forgive him.

She told them this was what she wanted to do and promised to call them soon, then hung up on them.

Sam held her as she cried, soothing her and wiping away her tears. He told her how great it would be, he promised her that he would make her happy. She calmed down as he told her of all the things they could do, and the cities they would go to together.

When Sarah saw Midgie, she explained it all to her, watching her friends face as she did. Midgie sat quietly, and listened to her, then shook her head.

"I know you think you are doing what is right, but, there is more to this than you know."

Midgie looked up at Sam, "He is still involved with Gisette. I heard her talking on the phone to a friend." Midgie narrowed her eyes at him, "Tell her, Sam. Tell her what happened in the shower. Tell her that Gisette was in your bed, tell her what happened there!"

Before Sam could speak, Sarah interrupted. "He told me, Midgie. There is nothing going on between them."

Sarah took Midgie's hand and squeezed it. "I will be alright. I'll be happy with him, we will be happier together. Please, I fought with my parents. I don't think I could stand it if we argued too."

Midgie looked at the pleading look on Sarah's face, she knew she wouldn't be able to talk her out of this craziness. She sighed, "You better stay in touch with me, you hear? I want you to call me and let me know how you are doing."

Midgie glared up at Sam, "And if you hurt her, I swear to God, I will hunt you down and cut off your balls."

Sam looked into Midgie's eyes, "I swear I won't hurt her. I will make her happy. I'll take care of her."

"Midgie, I know what I'm doing, trust me on this, please. I'll call you, as often as I can. I'll miss you, you know." Sarah cried, softly.

She wrapped her arms around Midgies shoulders and hugged her, tightly.

"Please, drive carefully." Sarah forced herself to laugh, "If you do get stopped, hopefully, it will be Officer Dawson."

Midgie tried to laugh it off. "I can handle any cop that stops me."

She stood by the door, her hand on the knob. "No," she shook her head as Sarah made to go with her. "I'll walk out by myself. Let's just say goodbye here, ok?"

Sarah hugged her friend, tightly, holding back her tears. "Please, talk to my parents when you get back. Tell them I'm happy. This is what I want."

Sam and Sarah stood hand in hand as they told Georgie and Trish. Trish was thrilled that Sarah was traveling with them.

She hugged Sarah, excitedly, "This will be so much fun! I am so glad you are going with us!"

Georgie eyed Sam, warily, then asked to speak to him privately.

Sam followed his brother into the hall, looking around to make sure they were alone. "Georgie, don't start on me. I want Sarah with me."

Georgie turned towards his brother, angrily. The two stood face to face, they looked so much alike, their blue eyes blazing at each other.

"Do you know the problems this could cause?" Georgie hissed between his teeth. "Do you think Gisette is going to go along with you having your groupie travel with us?"

"She's not my groupie!" Sam fought to keep his voice low.

"Really?" Georgie cocked his head, and asked curiously, "Do you love her, then?"

"I think so." Sam answered.

"You think so?" Georgie shook his head, laughing caustically. "You better know for sure before you bring her with us. You better fucking know damn well for sure!" He stalked off down the hall.

Sam turned and entered the room where Sarah and Trish were talking. He took Sarah's arm, explaining to Trish, "We have to get our stuff together. We'll be leaving soon for Pittsburgh. Sarah and I will meet up with everyone there later."

He stopped at the door and turned towards Trish again, "Talk some sense into my brother. He's being a fucking ass about it."

Trish promised she would try and told Sarah she'd see her in Pittsburgh later in the day.

Back in their room, Sam was putting his clothes into his duffle, when Sarah spoke up. "Why is Georgie so against this?"

"I don't know." Sam muttered as he zipped the bag shut and shouldered it. "He has his girl with him, he has no right to say anything about it."

He held the door open, waiting for her. "Are you ready?"

"Sam, I don't have any clothes, just the ones I brought." Sarah looked down at her shorts and tee she was wearing. Her outfit from last night and her toiletries were in Sam's duffle.

Sam shrugged, impatiently. "We'll buy you more when we get to Pittsburgh. Let's just get the hell out of here."

He stopped as he saw the troubled look on Sarah's face.

"It will be okay, sweetheart." He said gently as he reached around for her braid, bringing the tip around to tickle her nose with it.

"Don't you want us to be together?" He felt a sudden ache in his chest, thinking she was changing her mind.   

"Yes," Sarah whispered. "More than anything I have ever wanted in my life." She wrapped her arms around his neck, reaching up for a kiss.

Two and a half hours later, Sam pulled into a mall in a suburb outside of Pittsburgh. "Let's go get you some clothes." He told Sarah as he helped her off the bike.

They spent a couple hours there, shopping the stores, buying her several new outfits and things she would need. Then they headed for the hotel where the band was staying.

It was nearly 2:30 in the afternoon when they got the key from the front desk and walked into their room.

Sam threw the bags on the bed, and Sarah collapsed beside them. The loss of sleep from the night before, combined with the emotional morning she'd had, was catching up to her. She scooted up to lay her head on a pillow, her eyes closing.

"Can I take a nap?" She asked sleepily.

"I think we both need to sleep." Sam lay down beside her, wrapping his body around hers. Within minutes, they were both sound asleep.


Gisette stood looking at the couple, asleep, in bed. They were sleeping so soundly, they hadn't heard her enter their room. She saw the way Sam's arm and leg curled around Sarah, protective, even as he slept, and she felt the slow burn of anger run through her veins.

Quietly, she stepped back out the door, closing it gently behind her, and pocketing the room key. There was no way she was going to let Sam get away with this.

Gisette didn't know how or when, but she knew that she would break them up. She would get him back in her bed.

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