Chapter 18

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*Emma's POV*

"What about this one?" I ask stepping out of a dressing room with the 27th wedding dress I've tried on.

"Too sparkly." Regina says instantly.

"I like it." My mother says with a big smile.

"Of course you do." Regina says to my mother rolling her eyes.

"I have to agree with Regina on this one mom." I say stepping back into the dressing room and taking off the sparkly ball gown like dress.

"Try this one." Regina says handing me a dress from over the top of the stall.

I looked at it before I put it on. It wasn't as ball gown like as the other one, just a little volume. It was covered in lace. There were lace sleeves. It was simple. I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror. It was low cut, but the lace covering took away any sight of cleavage. It hugs my waist perfectly. I step out of the dressing room so my mother and Regina can see.

"That's the one." My mother says with her jaw open.

"Let me pick the dress from now on." Regina said.

"The 28th dress. How convenient." I say but it was loud enough for only my ears to hear.

As soon as we leave the dress shop the three of is hop into my car and we head to Regina's house.

"Since there is only 4 days until your wedding let's do nails or have a girls night or something." Regina says.

"Woah, where is Regina, what have you done with her?" I say sarcastically.

"I'm just saying. You don't have to."

"I'm in. I'm sure Killian can watch the kids for a while longer."


"Dark blue, or crystal blue for my nails?" I ask.

"Crystal blue." They both say.

It must be around midnight. We watched 3 movies on Netflix, we maybe ate 4 gallons of popcorn, and I maybe have 5 layers of nail polish on my nails.

"So what are you and Killian planning to do on your honeymoon?" My mom asked.


"Sorry, I'm just wondering." She said holding her hands up.

"Nothing, that I know of. We're just glad for the break."

My phone rings stopping me from saying anymore, it's Killian. I hold it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I say.

"Love, you need to come home now. It's midnight and I can't get the twins to sleep. I. Need. Your. Help." He said through the phone.

"Okay I'll be over in a little bit. Love you." I say as I hang up. "Got to go, Killian needs help. Are you coming mom?" I ask.

"I'm going to stay here and finish my nails."

"Okay see you later." I say heading out the door.

As I drive down the quiet streets of Storybrooke I can't help but realize how exhausted I am. Having twins is an all nighter, every night. I haven't gotten proper sleep since, well before they were born. Plus of being a Dark One, you never get tired.

When I walk through the door of the loft, sounds of snores surrounds me. Robin is sleeping on the couch, Neal in his crib, my father on his bed. I walk upstairs where Roland and Henry are on Henry's bed and then there is Killian and the twins on my bed. Killian has purple circles under his eyes and you can tell he is trying really hard not to fall asleep.

"Emma, I have tried feeding them, rocking them, holding them, I even sang to them and they won't fall asleep." He whispered to me.

"Awe, you're being such a dad." I say picking up Liam.

"It's my job, is it not?"

I don't answer him I just rock my child and coo in his ear, and he's asleep. I place him in his crib.

"You're bloody magical." He says, I laugh. I then pick up Leia and do the same.

"You know what I was thinking. We are getting married soon, and we are living in a very small apartment with my parents. So tomorrow, we are going to go looking for some of the houses Henry has been picking out in the newspapers." I say.

"I've been waiting for you to ask." He says smiling.

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