Chapter 9

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*Killian's POV*

"Right this way." Arthur led us through the courtyard and into the castle. We followed him up 5 flights of stairs and into an isolated room on the top floor. "I warn you two, he can be mad sometimes." Arthur says as he opens the door revealing Merlin.

He looked young, is dark skin was shined on by the sun, he had a dark beard that went to his collar bone.

"Merlin, these people know you have answers to their questions. I'll leave you guys alone." Arthur says exiting the room and closing the door behind him.

"Merlin, I'm Killian Jones, and this is Snow-." He cuts me off.

"I know who you are and why you came." He says and you can hear the wisdom ring in his voice. "You are looking for information about the Dark One. And that I can give you, for I am the one who created it centuries and centuries ago."

"Why?" I ask unable to understand why someone would create such a horrible thing.

"A very, very long time ago there was a war against The Darkness. You see back then all there was, was light and darkness. I was very young and I would do anything to be a hero.
The war against The Darkness was one of the darkest times, ever. People would do anything to protect their families. I was cursed with magic when I was young, everyone thought of me as a freak, and I yet to prove them wrong. I figured out a way to stop The Darkness. I had to teather it to a soul that could be controlled by the dagger. But the dagger needed to come from the most powerful sword, the Excalibur. It held magic no one knew about, but I did. With the help of my friend who was many years older than I, as you know him, The Apprentice, we split the end of the Excalibur turning it into the dagger. We placed the other piece into a stone, where the rightful ruler of this land would pull it out, and become king.
A man named Stewart voulenteered to have The Darkness teathered to him. The Apprentice and I did so. We were the new hero's of our land. But Stewart began to grow out of controll, The Darkness will consume you and take every ounce of light out. He had too much hunger for power. He killed everyone, leaving me and The Apprentice. He was furious at us for what we did to him, and he had every right to be. He cast an immortality spell on us as punishment. The Apprentice found a way to take some of that power with his magic hat, that could also be controlled by the dagger.
We took our separate ways, he took the hat and I took the dagger. It was the safest way. But not long after the dagger was stolen from me, Stewart was killed, and that started the new line of The Dark One. I think the only reason for The Darkness, is to corrupt an old hero's heart." He said finishing his sad story.

"Do you have any way of removing it without hurting a them?" I ask.

"I have spent forever creating the vault of the Dark One, I believe there is a way to put the darkness in there." Merlin says.

"How!?" I ask really wanting to know.

"Make them vulnerable, make them feel something while at the vault."

"Will you help us?" Snow asks.

"I will do anything. Meet me at the vault three days from now. Just have the Dark One take you there."

"Emma. Her name is, Emma." Snow says.

"I am sorry, have Emma take you there. Now surly you must head out so you can make it on time."

"Thank you so much Merlin, this means a lot to us." I say.

We stand up and Merlin leads us out. As soon as we leave the room he closes the door leaving himself inside.

"He's pleasant." I say and Snow laughs.

We head back down the stairs and there, Arthur waits.

"Did you find what you needed to?" He asks.

"Yes, we gave to leave now and fix everything." Snow says continuing to walk. Arthur jogs with us to the doors.

"Very well I hope you have a safe trip." He replies. And we leave the busy kingdom.

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