Chapter 17

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*Emma's POV*

Killian and I rushed back to Granny's where everyone was, where my children were. We burst through the doors and everyone stops to look at us. They all smile for what we did, we brought them back home. I walk to the counter where I saw Henry and the basket.

"Hey kid, they didn't give you any trouble, did they?" I asked hugging my son.

"Nope. They like me, they always have." He replies.

"I know kid." I say smiling. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Leia starts to whine, I laugh. "I love you too." I say in a babyish voice to my daughter.


We all stood around Granny's talking about what happened in the Enchanted Forest. I cradled Liam in my arms while talking to Ruby when my mother came over.

"Hey Emma?" She said.

"Yeah?" I questioned her.

"Killian and I were just talking and I brought up the wedding, he said you guys hadn't talked about it yet."

"Yeah, I know I just haven't gotten around to it because of everything that has happened." I replied, even though that wasn't all true.

"Are you still scared?" She asks, can she read my mind.

"I'm a way. I'm just used to everyone abandoning me." I say.

"He didn't abandon you. I don't think he ever will, he loves you very much Emma."

"You're right, how can I be scared. We have already gotten this far."

"You both have been waiting long enough, don't be scared."

"Thanks mom." I say pulling her into a hug. "How about we go back to the loft and do some planning."

"Sounds good." She replies.

My parents, Neal, Henry, Regina, the twins, Killian and I head to the loft to plan the wedding. As soon as my mother opens the door, she begins to rant.

"So I was thinking a rather large, Enchanted Forest wedding. There can be a ball, lots of flowers, food. "

" Wait, wait, wait, isn't this my wedding?" I interrupt her.

"Right." She says loosing her enthusiasm.

"When do you want it to be?"

"The end of the month let's say the 28th?" Killian says.

My mother starts writing stuff down on a scratch piece of paper. "Where at?"

"The beach, nothing huge. Maybe white chairs for guests, and a white gazebo where for where we will stand." I say as I watch her frantically write things down.


"Swan lilies." Killian says.

"Okay, that's the basics. I can figure the rest out later like who to invite the food and so on." She says.

"Thanks mom."

There is only 2 weeks before I get married.

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