Chapter Forty Two.

Start from the beginning

Eric was sat on his bed, leaning on his legs. He ran a hand through his hair, and guessing by the state of him, they didn't let him have a shower: blood smeared his arms and over his tattoos.

"They released Four and I." Eric stared at me as air haven't moved since walking in. "Are you just going to stand there? Or are you going to sit down?"

Not replying, I sat on my bed with my back pressed against the head of the bed. I took a bite of sponge cake.

Silence loomed over us, and I never felt so awkward in my life.

I began eating my sandwich- a turkey sandwich, and my eyes were glued to the wall opposite, only glancing at my food when I came to take a bite.

Eric had his hands entwined, he looked down on them with a frown as from what I can see. A little smirk slipped onto his face, before standing up. I looked at him.

"Be right back." And he left.


When Eric returned, not only did he looked clean and fresh, he held a small box in his hands, with news paper wrapped around it with a floppy bow on top. He sat next to me, with his back pressed against the head of the bed.

"I'll trade you." Before I could even ask what the hell he meant, he took my sandwich, which left crumbs and a piece of turkey fell of to Eric's knee and fell between his legs. He practically shoved the box in my face in return.

"What-?" I snapped my mouth shut.

Jeez, Cassie. He got you a present. He wants forgiveness...

Well, I'm sure he knows what he's done is wrong, but how will a present fix everything?

It's a start.

I took the box into my slightly buttered hands, and glanced at him. His face looked completely blank.

Well, this is Eric I was sat next to.

"I know it isn't much..." Eric murmured, watching me peel back the newspaper which its rip echoed through the silence dormitory.

Once all of the paper was torn and onto the floor, I studied the box. It was light, and the box was dented and broken in two corners.

I lifted the lid and peered inside. Whatever it was, it was a pale cream colour.

Dropping the box on my lap, I pulled out a large shirt.

"Thank you." I looked at him, he only stared at my hand, which the shirt was crunched between my hand and leg. "What's wrong?"

He smiled and looked at me finally. "Nothing. Nothing at all." He leaned over a pecked my temple. "Everything is fine."

I smiled back, which crumpled seconds after.

"What's wrong with you?" Eric narrowed his eyes. Slowly eyeing me up and down, scanning for any visible injuries.

"It's probably nothing." I shrugged.

Eric sat up so quickly, I nearly fell off the bed. "What's wrong? Are you in any pain?" He gripped my hand and squeezed hard.

"My stomach hurts. That's all. It's nothing." I snatched my sandwich back and gobbled down the last of my turkey.

Eric narrowed his eyes. "You are sure? You don't want to see a doctor or anything?"

I smiled and pecked his lips. "I'm sure."

I hope you guy have had a GREAT Xmas (if you celebrate it!) And a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Gosh, I have been waiting several days to upload this chapter, just to say "Hey! I updated this last year!"

Crap joke, but I found it funny.

2015 has been full of stress, tears and happiness and bloody well hope 2016 is a better year! Cheers to that! *clings glasses and take a mouthful*

Next update should be soon because I have an AMAZING idea to come up soon!

Love ya Little Outsiders!


P.S: its 00:10AM when I wrote this A/N and now I'm going to sleep! Bye! <3

P.S.S: I was so tired I forgot to press PUBLISH! HA! LOL! I'm so stupid sometimes! xD

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