Interview With BowTiesAreCool

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-Heya! What's your name? 

Ohai! My name is Danae. It's from Greek mythology.

-Nice username! Was it random or is there a meaning behind it? 

No, it's actually from my favorite show called 'Doctor Who' (It's British) and the main character says it.

-How did you discover the wonderful world of Wattpad?

I originally used to write on Quizilla, then one of the other authors, XxSkater2Girl16

xX, wrote a journal entry on how Wattpad was better than Quizilla so I checked it out and now here I am!

-Did you have inspiration to start writing? Or just an urge to write?

I actually did. When I was younger, I think in 6th grade, my favorite story was the 'Song of the Lioness Quartet', written by Tamora Pierce, and I wanted to write a story just like it. So I started messing around with ideas. I never did finish that first story, but I have it saved on my computer as a sweet memory of my first attempt at writing =)

-Comments usually help me with my technique. Do comments effect you in the 

same way?

Oh yeah for sure! I love when people comment or vote. It really gives me a confidence boost and motivation.

-Is there anyone you want to send a shoutout to?

I'd love to give a shout out to yinwthoutheryang and Kazzy_R, my two most dedicated fans <3 love you guys!

-Does music inspire you and your story? 

Oh yeah! Every single one of my stories get's a theme song and I never write a story without its theme song playing in my ears.

-Random question! :O Do you like Hello Kitty? :P 

I never really payed attention to her honestly. I can admit she's cute though.

-Do you have any goals for Wattpad?

My biggest goal is just to write stories that people enjoy honestly. I know none of my stories aren't works of literature, but that's not my goal. I want to write stuff that people can connect to, relate to, or escape to.

-What would you like to tell your fans?

Hey yo fans! Love you all! You're what keep me writing and what puts a smile on my face every time i sign on. So stay cool and keep reading!

Interviews With Wattpad Writers: Edition 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora