Interview With PurpleMonkeys

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Heyy, What's your name?

-Heya, my name is Rochelle but, I go by Catherine. Read my Fan-fic and you shall see why...

Is there a background on your username?

-Not really, when I didn't have my account I was browsing around and came across a short story on purple monkeys. SO i was like, "That's gonna be my username!"

How did you find Wattpad?

-I was searching free ebooks and it was the first result.

Did someone inspire you to write?

-No, I just started writing, I love fanfictions though. I hate vampire, werewolf and overused themes.

Wattpad is a great place to meet people, Have you met anon with a similar style writing as yours?

-Not yet!

What do you write and/or read most of the time?

-Write - Fanfiction and fantasy.

-Read - Exactly that. I don't read Twilight Fan-fiction (Way Overused) Harry Potter Fan-fiction (Overused) or Vampire Diaries (I don't like it >.<)

What's your opinion of the 'What's Hot' list?

-I hate it!!! It's full of superficial, overused crap!! I'm sorry but it's true!! What happened to pirates and mermaids??? Now it's all "Ohmygod!! I'm a vampire and I think I love the evil demon!!!" No. Not good. I hate it!!!!

How has Wattpad changed you?

-It has changed me in so many ways. It alows me to wirte whatever I want, use whatever words I want and express myself. Everyone on here is so nice, I love everyone.

Do comments from your fans help your writing teqnique?

-Yes, I love them. They tell me exactly what I need to fix and work on. They always leave positive comments, and are so nice.

What would you like to tell your fans?

-Thanks so much for just being supportive, I love you all <3

Interviews With Wattpad Writers: Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now