Interview With et3rnity

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-Heyy! What's your name?

Hey i'm Dominic but i go by quite a few names :D mostly I'm called Izzie, cuz of a stupid mistake... (was obsessed with Iggie in Maximum Ride but always called him Izzie) but sometimes people call me Dom, Dommie, or even Toru :D

-Is there a background on your username?

Yes there is actually... I've never broken up with a girl... So some kids used 2 call me eternity cuz if the girl didn't break off the relationship we would be dating 4 eternity... and well "eternity" was taken... so that's y there is a 3 instead of an E.

-How did you find Wattpad?

A girl i liked wrote fan fiction and told me bout her posting it on some harry potter fan fiction site... I had never heard of posting like that... so i did some research... and one of my friends (who will not tell me her user name) told me about this site :D

-Did someone inspire you to write or did you just randomly start writing?

Well my life is kinda crappy... I mean... it's not fun or anything... I always wanted to escape and go on some huge adventure... So i started reading... but i found that writing allowed me to create my own adventure and let everyone read it... So i guess i was inspired to write by every author of every book I've ever read :D

-Wattpad is a great place to meet people. Have you met anyone with a similar style to yours?

Well I am not really interested in reading the type of books I write... haha I'm actually more interested in romances and humor... :D but I've seen a few people that have a kinda similar writing style... just never met them... i find myself writing similarly to Rick Riordan in his new book "the lost hero" But I've managed to write a zombie thriller in 3rd person... which I've heard is pretty hard

-What do you write and/or read most of the time?

Well those r 2 very different questions and your gonna get 2 very different answers... I like 2 write adventure, thriller, horror, and romance. Where i don't mind reading those, I really like to read romance, humor, and action... emphasis on the romance :D (no I'm not gay... I'm just a hopeless romantic) :D

-What's your opinion of the 'What's Hot' list?

I feel like its a good goal to try to get on the "what's hot" list but I've read a lot of great books that ARE NOT on the "what's hot" list... but i like being on there... it makes me feel like i did a good job :D

-How has Wattpad changed you?

Wattpad has made me work harder to write things that people want and i have met a lot of people that have helped me and cheered me on. I find it easier to write and i love it here... i find myself glued to the computer 80% of the day :D

-Do comments from your fans help your writing technique?

Well honestly it depends on the fan and the critique... Some of the people that help me a lot are Ageus1, Bookim, Lillythebookworm, Strayheart, im sure there are more I just cant think of them...

-What would you like to tell your fans?

That I love every single one of you... You guys help me write every single word with your comments and votes... I hope to gain more of you over time :D Remember to read, vote, and comment on all of my books mwahahaha :D thanks I couldn't have done anything without you guys :D

Interviews With Wattpad Writers: Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now