Interview With Imanismyname

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-Oh, hiya! Who are you?

heyy :) Iman 

-Take a seat and tell me about your username. 

am already on my seat :P...well my username is basically telling you my name ( am not very creative i guess)

-Describe your style (personality and writing) in two words.

funny , weird :D

-How has Wattpad changed you?

it takes too much of my spare time :P

-If you had to live in one place for the rest of your life, where would you live?

FRANCE  i love everything about france

-Do you have any favorite bands that help you think of new ideas for stories? 

yes i have lots of favourite bands..but i don't write stories so they don't help me with new ideas

-Look! What's that behind you? :O 

my sister

-PC or Mac?

PC :)

-Have you met anyone awesome on here? Do you want to send them a shout out?

YESS lots of people cba to type their names up...but if you are reading this i love you :)

-You've been punk's. :3 What would you like to tell your fans? 

you guys are awesome and i Love you <3

Interviews With Wattpad Writers: Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now