Interview With autumnlove13

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-Heyy! What's your name?

My real name is Julie, but my username on Wattpad is autumnlove13. No capitals.

-Is there a background on your username?

Yes, there is! My middle name is Autumn, and I really love my middle name. I am also turning 13 very soon… So autumnlove13!

-How did you find Wattpad?

My bff, Lara, introduced me to Wattpad. She told me many great stories on here.

-Did someone inspire you to write or did you just randomly start writing?

Well, stories sometimes pop into my head when I’m listening to music, or just brainstorming. Sometimes, other stories inspire me, but I don’t steal their ideas! I come up with my own.

-Wattpad is a great place to meet people. Have you met anyone with a similar style to yours?

Yes, as I said before, my friend Lara has a Wattpad account. Her Wattpad account is called Imagine0319. Go check out her stories, she’s really good!

-What do you write and/or read most of the time?

It depends. I usually bounce from one topic to the other to see witch story catches my eye. So, most of the time I read a lot of the stories I see. Some are ok others are really good.

-What's your opinion of the 'What's Hot' list?

The ‘What’s Hot’ list is a very good way to broadcast amazing, well written, talented stories. I read off that list also.

-How has Wattpad changed you?

Wattpad has changed me so much on different levels that I can’t even explain. It’s an awesome feeling to know people like my stories, and actually comment on them, too. 

-Do comments from your fans help your writing technique?

Yes, some fans give me pointers, and little mistakes I make by accident. I’m so grateful for the fans that I have. I don’t ask for fans, if they like my stories, then I’m happy with what I got.

-What would you like to tell your fans?

I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! Thank you sooo much for being a fan of my story, whatever one you read! Thank you!! Much love!!

Interviews With Wattpad Writers: Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now