Interview With bibliophilefreak

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-Heyy! What's your name?

Erin or otherwise known as bibliophilefreak.

-Is there a background on your username?

I once read a book a day for three months straight and my friends started to call me a freak, but in a playful manner of course. So bibliophile means book lover which completely represents me!

-How did you find Wattpad?

I found this amazing site on my itouch. I was looking for a book app and found one saying free books. So I got it.

-Did someone inspire you to write or did you just randomly start writing?

I have been writing since I first learnt how. I don't remember why I started. All I remember is having such great ideas that had to be written.

-Wattpad is a great place to meet people. Have you met anyone with a similar style to yours?

Not yet, but I am excited to. I try to do things that are different then what everyone else is doing.

-What do you write and/or read most of the time?

I read because i love the stories that play in my head. When i read it's like I am there. It's one of the ways I escape the world. I write a lot because I have so many ideas in my head that I just have to get out someway.

-What's your opinion of the 'What's Hot' list?

It works ok, but sometimes it misses great stories. The what's hot list shows the stories that get rapid votes at a short period of time. I know so many stories that are fantastic, but they are not on the list.

-How has Wattpad changed you?

Before Wattpad, I would write to myself and secretly. I never thought I had any talent and I thought i would get nowhere in life as a writer, but then I came here. When I got my first vote and compliment, I was so happy that I caught the attention of someone.

-Do comments from your fans help your writing technique?

Sometimes. I got one comment on me needing more description and now all I get is compliments on my description because I learned.

-What would you like to tell your fans?

Thank you for making my story so much more special and thank you for being there for me!

Interviews With Wattpad Writers: Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now