Interview With 1missedkiss96

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-Heyy! What's your name?


-Is there a background on your username?

THATS PERSONAL!! lol jk!!! My user name (1missedkiss96) was inspired by my second ever bf. We had never kissed anybody before and both wanted our first kisses.... so it was gonna be his bday presant from me to him.. buuut i broke up with him 3 weeks before his birthday. so he is my 1missedkiss. ;)

-How did you find Wattpad?

Well one day I was walking thru the woods when i stumbled upon a unicorn that was wounded because Voldemort had been sucking his blood. the unicorn told me that my only hope of saving him was to sign up on a website called wattpad. so i did, and the unicorn lived. the end.

-Did someone inspire you to write or did you just randomly start writing?

actually, my psyco emo friend from 6th grade was a poet. she was totally insane. she would cut herself in class and tell me that it "inspired her" eventually i realized that she was insane and yeah.. but THAT is not what inspired me to write. the first poem i ever read that i liked was "Invictus" by William Ernest Henley. after I read that poem, i really wanted to start writing. :)

-Wattpad is a great place to meet people. Have you met anyone with a similar style to yours?

HELL YES I HAVE!! rain, taz, haz, gilbert, nate, jared, nic, harli... and so many others. i think we all have at least one thing in common. in both our writings and our personalities!

-What do you write and/or read most of the time?

I most defanantally breath more than i write or read.  i promise, i do breath!!!

-What's your opinion of the 'What's Hot' list?

OK, Whats Hot is bitter-sweet to me. like chocolate. sometimes i like chocolate adn sometimes i dont. and balloons. i like balloons but im allergic to them -.- bluck. stupid latex.

-How has Wattpad changed you?

Wattpad has changed me into a fire breathing, freaking/creaking dragon leprecon named Nicola Phillip Sam Mathius Carl Sara Troy Ferguson Charlie.

-Do comments from your fans help your writing technique? 

Yes. comments from my fans help me ALOT! like, when they tell me that i have a monster under my bed. then i am able to use technique to write a poem about being paranoid. (perfect way to answer the question!!!)

-What would you like to tell your fans?

what would i like to tell my fans? well to jared, PICKLES!! to rain, I LOVE YOU MY MESSED UP RELATIVE/HUSBAND! to taz, STAY COOL SISTER!! to haz, YOU KNOW IM ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU!! and to the rest of my awesome fans.... some of you are out of milk, the others out of eggs, and the rest need to get out of the bed sometimes so i can sleep there. under your bed is all dusty! :P

Interviews With Wattpad Writers: Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now