Interview With secret_ninja

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-Hiya! What's your name?

I like long walks on the beach...Wait, this isn't a dating site. WHOOPS!

Ahem, I shall say my different personality names. I have a few.

Originally, I'm Lillie!

However, People at school call me Lucy because they stuffed up the names in my first year!

One of the voices in my head is Willow. :P

-Your username can make a big first impression. How do you think this relates  to 


Secret_Ninja relates to me because I'm a ninja. Well I was, but they kicked me out of ninja school because apparently saying 'OH NO I DROPPED IT' isn't looked upon kindly. 

-Describe yourself in two words.



-How do comments help your writing style?

Comment help me with writing because they actually inspire me to keep writing. It also helps me edit when people pick up on my epic fails.

Hence, the last chapter of a story I posted had the wrong name for a character in it.

I'm pretty skilled. lol.

-What's your favorite cartoon character? 


-Have you ever considered publishing your work?

No, because it's all fan fic. :P

-Look! What's that behind you!? 

Funnily enough, a wall. 

Lol there's a window in the wall and I can see my cats playing. I have two cats because nothing else will love me.

-Does music have any impact on your writing?


-What are a few of your goals on Wattpad?

My goals on  Wattpad....To make people smile laugh and sing! I attempt to guide people into the amazing path of insanity so I will not be the only llama in the world.

-What would you like to say to your fans?

I would like to thank them (this is going to sound really corny.) But I would like the thank them for making me laugh, smile, dance and die. I really wouldn't have been able to do it without them and I really love each and every one of them. no. I LUFF THEM! They are all so beautiful and should corrupt everyone like I have because if everyone else is crazy, we don't have to be.

And Finally, even though this isn't a question. I would like to dedicate this to every llama loving, epically awesome, die hard Harry Potter fans who would eat French Fries in the rain with me.

Luff from Lillie

Interviews With Wattpad Writers: Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now