The End

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Hi guys! thanks so much for reading and liking! your awesome. I have decided that I will end my book here. 

 Her declaring she wants Bennett dead now. I didn't really see her wanting to kill him staring this book out! lol I promise you that. but Naomi is confused about the world. its so much going on that I still haven't explained that i'm dying to tell you about. but my lips are sealed until the next book. So what I hope you got from this book, is Naomi's personality. 

She's a family girl. So she's very strong when it comes to protecting people and loving them. Bennett could lock her up. and keep her prisoner. but when he took flora and when his father killed her blood family they crossed a line. She had no one and so Naomi starts to become more unseelie because of this. Fates, are classed as both unseelie and seelie. Their courts feared this because they fear a higher more god like power. The unseelie and seelie draw from the earth but the fates draw from the stars. Thats how they get their glamour and magic. It's more potent and lasting. the fates mingled with humans and boom that started a crazy war which I will explain better in the next book. I didn't want this book to be a history lesson on fey wars. 

Hahaha anyway I hoped you enjoyed it because I liked writing it. I liked showing how people change and Naomi's change was so smooth its like can you blame her for wanting to kill the unseelie. I also wanted to show the blurred lines between bad and good. with seelie and unseelie. Really who do you think is the bad guy here? who is lying? good and bad. who are the victims? dunno yet. I do know that death in the next book is coming because this is war. and the finding of Naomi's body will be a success because secrets are bound to come out always. See ya lovelies thanks for reading!

oh ps and about the inbewteen that will be explained farther with the war :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2015 ⏰

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