You Watch a Horror/Horror Drama movie from the future.

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.There is slight gore written and you may not want to read because of this just a warning and much of this scenario describes the movie and your's and your lover's thoughts on the movie.

Ciel(Interview With A Vampire) 

Ciel sat watching his TV. You didn't know how he got a device like this but had a feeling his demon butler Sebastian had something to do with this. He came across a movie about the supernatural a movie about vampires. Ciel saw that you were in the door way and motioned for you to come and sit next to him. You asked Ciel" Where did you get this device Ciel?" "Sebastian" was his simple answer. "my goodness Ciel this device is from the 2000's were not even in the 1900's Sebastian must be able to travel through time. ' "No actually that reaper Grelle still likes Sebastian and Sebastian used that to get me this because Grelle being a grim reaper is able to go to the future to reap souls." "Oh" "would you like to watch this with me (Y/N)?" "Yes." You watched the movie and Ciel saw that Lestat was about to turn Louis in to a vampire and the two of you watched as Lestat devoured and drained Louis of blood and then cut open his wrist feeding Louis his blood completing the process of turning Louis into a vampire. You and Ciel both saw a seen that reminded Ciel of Sebastian because to get the blood they needed Lestat seduced a bar maid and him and Louis drank her blood right before she died. You and Ciel watched in wonderment as a little girl vampire was made known as Claudia and soon saw how she as she grew older tried to kill Lestat and resented him. As the movie ended Ciel watched as Lestat returned draining the one who recorded Louis story and talking of turning him into a Vampire and how he had the choice Lestat never had. |"Wow that movie was amazing Ciel the drama and horror was very well put together I really enjoyed the movie." "As did I but may I ask did you think Lestat in a way reminded you of Sebastian?" "Yes I actually did think Lestat reminded me of Lestat by their personalities and all but really I did enjoy the movie it said it was based of a future book made by a Woman named Anne Rice maybe you can get Sebastian to get Grelle to get it for me?" "I will have him attempt too." Well you too really enjoyed this horror drama and you had an odd dream of Ciel being Louis and Sebastian as Lestat. You will never forget this movie.

Sebastian(Evil Dead Remake 2013) 

Sebastian seduced Grelle and used Grelle to get him a future device known as a television to keep you entertained. Tonight Sebastian was able to watch a movie together and you were interested in a future movie known as: Evil Dead. You watched as a girl who had drug problems after her mentally ill mother died and her brother not seeing him in years is reunited to help her get over her problems became possessed in a very disturbing way after being chased down by a demon girl. Soon the others become possessed starting with Olivia who tried cutting off her face being possessed by the demon and her friend Eric comes to check on her only to be attacked by the possessed girl and in defense kills her. You were stunned at hoe demons were represented seeing as how they were nothing like you or Sebastian.You still watched the movie tough and saw how the demon pretending to be Mia coaxed the blonde girl Natalie down to the cellar eventually biting her which later causes her to become infected. As the movie progresses and Natalie's arm started to become infected with a meat carver see cut off her arm. The demon possessed girl coaxing the girl not to cut of her arm.You saw how a demon would play mind games but the rest you could not see a demon doing. David her boyfriend and Mia's brother with Eric walk to the kitchen hearing her scream in pain and find Natalie standing by the fridge her arm that she tried cutting off fell to the floor and she is taken to have her arm bandaged dying of blood loss. You wondered why a demon would be portrayed as too cause someone too go insane in such a way and you were appalled. Natalie is soon possessed and is try shooting and hitting David with a nail gun that had been used to keep Mia in the cellar. Soon her other arm is shot of by David after he pulled a nail from his leg. You watched as David killed Mia through a live burial and then re dug her up and tried to bring her back too life which did not seem to work but he finds as he started to walk away her calling him. David is soon while retrieving a picture of them all together and the car keys, finds Eric possessed and he lights the cabin on fire killing him and the possessed David leaving Mia in the rain of blood and to face the abomination a demon who causes Mia to lose her hand but Mia soon kills her violently with a chainsaw. The movie ended. "So this how they see demons as those who tortures humans no contracts?" "What a shame (Y/N) i would think humans would know demons have their motives when it comes to killing and tormenting not just possessing those who did know the meaning's of what they did; such a same." You both enjoyed the deep meaning of the movie but were appalled by how demons were portrayed but still enjoyed the movie. 

Grelle(Carrie)(Remember Grelle is biologically male usually identifies as female.)

You and Grelle had a TV that you had gotten while reaping a soul in the future. You two sat on the sofa and watched TV and decided to watch a movie and choose a movie about a girl who had telekinesis(The power to cause changes by force of the mind). YOu two began to watch the movie and Grelle became excited(not in a dirty way) when Carrie got her period in the shower at what will eventually be made in the nineteen hundreds a high school. Grelle soon became appalled at how the girls instead of helping the girl who did not know what a period was; threw sanitary napkins at the girl chanting a rude thing to the girl. Carrie went home and her power started to show when a boy rode by and screamed "Creepy Carrie,Creepy Carrie" where she looked over at him in anger and flung him off his bike causing him too cry in pain. Carrie arrived home only to be made to prey by a religious fanatic mother who when she refused locked her in a closet. You watched when you thought what if things like this actually happen in the future. Sue feeling bad for her actions toward Carrie had her boyfriend ask her to take her to prom and to not stop until she accepted and she served out her detention for what she did while the blonde girl Chris Hargensen planned to get revenge on Carrie by dumping pig blood on her by fixing the prom ballets at the senior prom. At first Carrie refused to accept Tommy's invitation who was Sue's boyfriend but when he showed up to her house accepted. Carrie had began research and practicing her telekinetic powers. Carrie made her own prom dress and talked to a girl who came with Tommy's friend to the prom finally feeling the acceptance she never had always being the out cast. You felt happy for the girl but knew and felt bad for what was coming to the girl. Sue found a way into the prom in the back an watched as Carrie was crowned happily who Carrie moments before had her first kiss. Sue then saw though the rope connected to bucket of blood and went to where she saw body out lines of Chris and Billy who she tried to confront only for the Gym teacher who had been the witness to what happened to Carrie and thought Sue was trying something and pulled her out of the gym,; with Sue trying to convince the teacher what Chris and Billy were up to but the teacher did not listen. The rope was pulled and the blood was poured on Carrie and Tommy and the bucket when Chris and Billy ran hit Tommy causing him brain damage. You cringed at this while Grelle was excited about all the blood everywhere though he did feel bad for Carrie. Carrie then used her telekinesis to kill all the guest at the prom and headed home killing Billy and Chris who tried to run her over when she was walking home. You cringed at how the violence of the car being flipped. Carrie soon returned home and began to bathe and once done she called for her mom and they began to prey only for the mom to stab her in the back making you cringe and see Grelle's eyes glaze over with blood lust. Carrie used her telekinesis in defense and impaled kitchen utensils in to her mother killing her. The house then began collapsing and Carrie and her mom died. The next scene began and Sue's mom was talking to someone on the phone and you entered Sue's dream where she placed white flowers on where Carrie's house used to be only for her to begin screaming when a bloody hand reached up grabbing her arm where her mom tried calming her revealing that her hand was the one on Sue's but Sue did not calm and began crying."That movie was so sad a girl was tortured all her life only to have the worst prank played on her on a night she was supposed to be happy. She killed them but i can see why I feel bad for her." "I loved all the blood (Y/N) so much blood." "I could tell Grelle you were practically drooling." "I couldn't help it I love red and Blood in oxygen is red, but I must admit the poor girl did not deserve such pain." "I am happy you agree." You bot loved the movie but felt terribly bad for Carrie feeling she did not deserve her pain she got.

Death is only the

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