"it's not drama," taehyung groans, "it's called adult problems."

"well, okay..." jimin says in an incredulous manner, "did jeongguk piss you off or something?"

"no..." taehyung grumbles. "he just told me he liked me or something," taehyung blushes, trying to hide to red that creeps up on his skin. "and like he's still in high school and I'm like? no? you're not supposed to like me. I'm a grown ass man why do you like me why the fuck did you give me flowers, they're pretty but what the fuck."

"yikes," jimin adds, "he's so in love. but don't you have the hots for hoseok?"

and taehyung sighs at that, "well not anymore..." he groans, "I don't know for now, but like last night I was just laying there in bed right? and then I was thinking of jeongguk's thighs and I got a hard on."

"woah there cowboy," jimin says, "he's a minor, slow down on the dick action,"

"to be honest, I think jeongguk would dick me down...if we're being frank." taehyung shrugs. and jimin glares at him, slapping his arm before taehyung mutters an 'ouch!' and proceeds to almost burn down jimin's apartment.

"you fucker!" yoongi hisses, putting the misplaced chairs thrown around in their proper place. "you come in here, talking about jungkook and you fucking go around and wreck this fucking place up."

"well sorry, old man," taehyung muses, "and not to be a tattletale but jimin started it!" taehyung pouts, pointing a finger at a dumbstruck jimin. he glares at him, threatening to bite of his pretty little finger.

"try me, bitch." jimin mumbles.

"Jesus." yoongi sighs, "anyways why are you here?"

taehyung huffs, "i can't be here?? you're so mean," he tries, but yoongi gives him a death glare and asks him if he'd like to keep his life. taehyung nods in a nervous manner.

the next day, jeongguk asks taehyung on a date.

taehyung glares at him, telling him — "since I'm older I should've asked you on a date!" — before nodding and saying yes.

jeongguk clicks his heels as he trots downtown with taehyung, and taehyung tells him to stop that.

"JEONGGUK AND TAEHYUNG ARE DATING?!" hoseok screams, as he grabs his hair in chunks like he just saw his best friend's having a threesome. the people around look at them like they're aliens, and jimin tries to shush him. "why did I not know this?! this is unacceptable! I, jung hoseok, also known as jhope, should now what my friends are feeling."

jimin almost laughs. "shouldn't you be more concerned with the fact that taehyung liked you before?

"not exactly," hoseok heaves, slumping in his chair at the coffee shop. he's on break right now and jimin came for sugar cookies. "I mean, i didn't think taehyung liked me," he sighs, "I always had a feeling that he liked jeongguk in secret. now he's dating that grown kid. he's growing up so fast." hoseok sniffs and jimin chokes out a laugh at that.

jimin slides a sugar cookie over to hoseok, "want one?" he asks.

hoseok shakes his head, "nah, I get the discount,"

"but this is for free!" jimin says.

"you're only giving me one!"

jimin realizes this is a problem.

he's going out to buy dinner with yoongi while they hold hands as they walk down the street to some restaurant. yoongi's cheeks are cold and colored a rose red and his fingers are frigid against jimin's. jimin looks over at him and he just thinks that yoongi is the most beautiful person he's ever come in contact with. he's stunning. but yoongi is so much more than his looks.

jimin realizes that he's so in love with min yoongi. he most likely fell deeper in the hole he dug himself when they finally had sex. after all the time of jimin holding back because when yoongi says no, it's no. if he went against that — it would be just wrong.

and now that jimin thinks about it, this isn't such a huge problem. being in love with min yoongi, that is. because life's just gotten better. he loves yoongi. and he'll do anything to make yoongi feel happy. the mental disorders he's had in the past don't just disappear without scars. yoongi is still hurting, and jimin is willing to soothe that pain.

"hey, idiot," yoongi grumbles, "stop spacing out."

"oh — sorry, hyung," and it's like Jimin is falling in love over and over again for yoongi, it's stupid. he's like a high schooler having feelings for someone else for the first time. "it's just— you're so ... stunning,"

yoongi fumes, "wh— what the fuck are you talking about..." he mumbles. then passes lettuce to jimin, throwing it into his chest, "put these somewhere, idiot,"

and jimin starts smiling like the total idiot he is.

gotta run, run, run, jimin thinks. he's being stupid. it's almost yoongi's birthday, and he's ecstatic. he's got a super cool party planned for yoongi. jimin's been dating yoongi for almost a year now. he still doesn't know if yoongi enjoys birthday parties, though.

well, whatever. if jimin's gonna get scolded it's okay. he's fine with spending the whole day lazing around and cuddling with yoongi. but hey, maybe he'll get some meat on his special boy's birthday! well, maybe. he's hoping he will because their first time was wild. the good kind of wild.

but jimin thinks that he most likely won't get any meat on yoongi's birthday. after the stretch from last time.


but when jimin thinks about it, it isn't that bad. 


look at that guys.. ~~~~~PROGRESS~~~~~

anyways thanks for reading! hold me tight is coming to an end soon.

also sorry if theres errors i didnt proofread this properly

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