Chapter 27

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July 5 ( Monday morning )

I woke up and Khyi wasn't nowhere to be found. I called her phone, no answer. I went down stairs and she wasn't there. I saw a paper with flowers laying next to it. I walked over to see what it was and it was a note from Khyi saying,

" Good-morning babe I hope you slept peacefully. Today i wanted to treat you like the queen you are. So get dressed and by the time you get ready i should be home. I went run a few errands. I love you. See you in a few"

I didn't know what Khyi had planned for me but i was excited. I still feel bad about that Mook shit though and I have a feeling Kendall and Mook aren't done with Khyi and I. But right now in this moment i will only focus on my baby and I.

I went up stairs and took a shower. I put on some high waisted shorts with a white blouse with the grape jordans. I was so ready for today.

I went down stairs and there she was looking all sexy in her purple Hollister tank top and her blue cut off shorts with the grape jordans on. I swear Khyi gets sexier everyday in my eyes.

Khyi: ready bae?

Me: yea where we going though?

Khyi didn't answer all she did was smiled at me. 30 mins down the road i see we taking the exit to the mall. I guess thats where we was going.

20 mins later we are at the mall and Khyi told me i have no limit. Anything i want i got it. I felt so special when she said that. I asked her if she was sure and she said yea.

The first place we went to was Hollister, then to American Eagle, next to Forever 21, then to Urban Outfitters. Today Khyi spent over 30,000 dollars on me.

We was done shopping and we headed back to the car. When we got in i asked Khyi why she did this for me after everything we are going through. She said, " You are my queen you sit on a throne right beside me. I will give you the world on a silver plater and if that aint good enough i'll go and get the moon with the stars for you. We have a happy home and aint no relationship perfect. We fuss and fight but at the end of the day we hugging and kissing. Yea you messed up but everybody does. You have to make mistakes to learn from them. Plus its go take more than a little kiss to make us break up. We have a bond that can't be broken. I love you girl." All i could really do was nod my head and say I love you too babe.

We got take out and went straight home and watched some movies. Khyi really wasn't feeling good so we went to sleep kind of early . Well she went to sleep i stayed up painting. I never told Khyi i like to paint. Honestly i only paint when i have a lot on the mind and truly my mind is so over loaded its ridiculous.

I painted a girl with red and grey streak on her. Red representing anger and grey representing sadness. Eventually i got sleepy so i just got in bed and fell into a deep slumber of sleep.

July 6 ( tuesday)

I woke up and Khyi was moaning and groaning. She only did that whn she wasn't feeling good. I slipped out the bed trying not to wake her and went to the drug store to get her some meds.

I arrived to the drug store and i honestly didn't know what to get Khyi. So i just grabbed a bit of everything. The boy that was checking me out was starring at me so hard i swear he out a hole in my chest. I was starting to feel uncomfortable. So i hurried back home.

I finally got back home and made Khyi some soup and gave her, her meds. I hate when my baby has a cold but of course i'm on my duty and taking care if her.

Khyi's mom didn't really come around when Khyi was sick but i really don't care though. I can handle taken care if my baby.

I went take a shower and went laid down next to her and fell asleep. I was pretty tired.

She is giving me everythingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang