Chapter 26

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July 3

My flights kind of early and i haven't called Trin and told her. I want to surprise her. Before i get to the house i'm going by flowers and a card saying how much i miss her.

Just when i was getting all into thoughts the clark at the desk caught my attention. I had forgot i was standing there for a moment. I left the hotel an went straight to the airport. When i got there my plane was ready for boarding. I was happy i really wanted to get home to Trin.

3 hours later i get back to New Orleans. I was so anxious to see my baby. They had a limo waiting on me to bring me home. I needed to stop and get the card and flowers before i got home. It was 7:30 p.m when i arrived to the house. From the looks of it i thought Trin was gone.

I opened the door to see Trin sitting there in the dark. She looked beautiful as ever. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun she had on sweat pants and my sweat shirt but from the look on her face she had been crying and looked scared. I ran over to her to hold her in my arms but she pushed away.

Me: whats wrong babe?

She doesn't answer me. Thats when i got really worried.

Me: whats wrong babe? Please just tell me.

She starts to cry. I try to whip her tear away but she pushes my hand away.

Me: either you go tell me whats wrong or i'ma go ask Tracey and Meeka because i know you told them.

Trin: NO do not. I will tell you myself.

Me: i'm listening babe.

Trin: i met this girl name Mook this weekend while you were gone. She was nice. She asked where a gym was and i told her she could come work out here. She slapped my ass and then we began to start kissing. But before anything else could happen i got off of her.

Me: WHAT THE FUCK TRIN. I can't even leave you alone.

I pulled her face closer to mine and gave her the most passionate kiss ever.

Me: tell me this. Do you have feelings for her? Did her kiss mean anything to you? Will you leave me for her?

I started to cry at the thought that Trin did such a thing. I was hurt to the max.

Trin: no i dont, i meant absolutely shit to me, I won't ever leave you babe I love you.

Me: I am hurt Trin, but its going to take more than a little kiss to make me leave you. Every relationship got through shit but it takes a real relationship to get through shit.

At this moment in time i finally knew what i wanted from Trin and i wanted her to be my wife.

Me: Trin i know we kind of young right now but in the future no more like 2 years from now you will be my wife i promise you that. We will stand hand by hand and side by side. You will be the perfect bride i'll be the perfect groom. Something about ya probably can't live without you.

Trin started to cry. I whipped her tears away and we went up stairs. I held her in my arms while we slept. Nothing means more to me than holding her when she is sad. Honestly she was really hurt. I can tell. We fell asleep and slept so peacefully.

July 4

The next morning everything was back to normal. I wanted to know who did it of course. I asked Trin and when she told me Kendall i was heated. I wanted to find him but she told me he probably in the hospital. I was confused and asked what she meant. Trin said, " he in the hospital cause i beat the shit out of him with a bat." I looked at Trin with a huge smile on my face and gave her a kiss. I loved her.

Later on that night was the party at my bar. Trin and I got dressed. I wore a suit and Tie and Trin wore a skin tight black dress with some red heels. She was looking beautiful of course.

When we arrive to the bar the party had been started like 3 hours ago. Trin walked in first and some girl was calling for her. When the girl walked up i was looking like bitch who you. Trin nudged my stomach and whispered in my ear that it was Mook. The smile on my face quickly turned to a frown.

As soon as mookie or whatever her fucking name is started talking i punched her dead in the face and told security to remove her. I kissed Trin and told her no worries i got you bae. She smiled and went to the bar for a drink.

5:30 a.m and we just getting home from the party. Everything went great. I had fun and Trin did to. We was so tired we just collapsed in the bed. Trin moved around the bed until she found my chest to cuddle in. I thought it was cute how she did that. She went to sleep while i stayed up thinking about a poem i was working on,

" as the wind blow threw her hair

The sun shining on her skin

She is the definition of beauty

Something about her

I just can't live without her

Love in my heart for her"

Eventually i just fell asleep with Trin in my arms.

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