Chapter Sixteen

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Harry paced in front of Lauren, his hand exasperatedly tugging his hair. Y/N put a hand out in front of Camila, signaling her to not step any closer.

"I overheard my sister and your wife talking," Harry clarified, glancing at Camila and his sister over at the porch. He firmly stepped toward Lauren, "You continue to tear Camila down. She's your wife! You're supposed to love her, not make her feel like shit."

Harry inched forward with every word and Lauren stepped back until her back was flattened against her car door. She couldn't escape the situation so she resorted to counting in her head, trying to keep her composure. Y/N decided to step in between them, buying Lauren a bit of personal space. Lauren sighed in relief but her breath hitched as Y/N confronted her too.

"Lauren, do you know how much you've affected Camila?"

The calmness in Y/N's voice aggravated Lauren. She didn't need her friend involved in her marriage. The last thing Lauren needed was another accusation against her. She couldn't walk away and had no patience to try to count her anger away, so she resorted to a last-ditch effort.

Lauren smiled resentfully, "She's my wife. I can do whatever the fuck I want with her."

The green-eyed girl peeled off her jacket and tossed it aside. She took a step forward, inviting Y/N to a fight. As much as Y/N was inclined to take the invitation, she glanced over at Camila's pleading eyes. The brunette mouthed, "Don't", and Y/N had every intention of respecting Camila's wish.

"Camila gave you a second chance, and look at what you're doing." Y/N eyed Lauren with a pitiful grimace, "I'd kill for Camila but you'd fucking kill her."

Lauren's hand whipped across Y/N's face. Immediately, Harry sprung forward but Y/N shoved him back. She urged her brothers' to keep their distance. This was between her and Lauren. Y/N remained unprovoked, she held her demeanor. Camila's breath hitched, she continued to anxiously watch the exchange.

In a swift motion, Y/N dodged a punch from Lauren but fell victim to a knee ramming into her sternum. She inhaled sharply, trying to regain the air that'd been knocked out of her. Y/N wheezed, she had no problem dealing with the pain of Lauren's hits but panic rose in her body as she struggled to catch her breath. It felt as if she was falling into a panic attack.

Lauren smirked. She bent over to her crouched friend, watching as Y/N hyperventilated. Camila ran across the lawn to aid Y/N, rubbing the girl's back as she confronted Lauren.

"I want a divorce."

Lauren clapped her hands on her waist, she hadn't expected those words to escape Camila's mouth. Camila was tired of making excuses for her wife. Tired of trying to convince herself that Lauren loved her when it was clear she didn't. Lauren remained unhinged, Camila couldn't continue to place herself in danger.

Lauren shook her head furiously. She'd tried to change for Camila, she hadn't laid a finger on the girl since she came out of the rehabilitation center. Camila was erasing her progress by focusing on her faults but all Lauren could do was try to persuade her wife one last time.

"Camila, I love you. I won't ever hurt you again, I promise." Lauren's voice shifted into a gentle squeak. Camila didn't buy the act, she slid the ring off her finger and threw it in Lauren's direction.

"I've heard that line come out of your mouth so many times. I'm not falling for your crap anymore," Camila fixed her posture, Lauren shrunk down into her shoulders, flailing to catch her wife's ring.

"What we have, isn't love." Camila shook her head, motioning between herself and Lauren, "This isn't love!"

"You're nothing without me, Camz." Lauren sneered, jutting her chin. "No one will ever love you."

The air in Y/N's lungs returned, she pulled Camila away, and with backs turned they marched into the house while Lauren shouted at them from the driveway.

"What Lauren said, it isn't true." Liam reassured his childhood friend, taking a seat beside her on the couch. Harry stood at guard at the window, watching Lauren's tantrum from the open curtains. Camila nodded softly, meeting Y/N's thoughtful gaze.

Liam was right, it wasn't true.

Y/N loved her.

And more importantly, Camila was learning to love herself.

Step one was complete. She was done with Lauren but Camila knew her wife wouldn't let her get away so easily.

"We're proud of you, Camila." Niall spoke for his siblings. Y/N kissed the back of Camila's hand in agreement. Camila had done what their mother never did. She'd seen through her abuser's lies and had taken the proper steps to protect herself and the people she loved. This made Y/N admire her even more than she already did.

"Thank you," Camila smiled softly, "But, I need to file for divorce, there are so many things-"

"We'll come up with a plan." Zayn interrupted Camila's rambling.

"Together," Louis added, placing a hand on Camila's knee.

Camila glanced around the room. Harry stood protectively at the window. Zayn, Niall, Liam, and Louis sat across from her. She turned to face Y/N, feeling the warmth of the girl's hands in her own. She had a support system.


Scratch that,


Because that's what they were. Camila's chosen family and she was theirs.

A rush of confidence flowed through her veins, "Together."

This Isn't Love ➳ Camila/YouUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum