Chapter Twenty

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One month into weekly sessions, Dr.Huang was preaching about how both girls could have made their last relationship easier by being more honest. He warned them not to make the same mistake and gave them the simple task of being more truthful with each other.

"Would either of you like to start now?"

Y/N swallowed roughly at the therapist's question. She had been hiding her spontaneous trip to visit her old friend in jail. Leaving the room with the lie hanging around her head wouldn't sit right, they were coming to improve, not to continue their bad habits.

"I visited Lauren..." Y/N spoke in one breath, barely squeezing out the girl's name. Camila's jaw dropped open, her eyes squinted to read Y/N's facial expression. By the nervous smile Y/N offered, she knew her girlfriend wasn't playing around.

Dr.Huang cut in, "What about you, Camila?"

"Nothing," The brown-eyed girl quickly shoved the question aside.

Y/N laughed bitterly, "I know you wrote to her."

"What? How?" Camila didn't deny the withheld information,

"She told me!"

Dr.Huang studied the encounter, Y/N's sudden loss of control frustrated her.

She drew in a long breath and spoke in a steady voice, "Why didn't you just tell me?"

Her eyes were sharp in accusation but Camila lifted her chin, meeting Y/N's gaze without hesitation. Dr.Huang hid a smile behind his stony expression.

"You're being a hypocrite, you visited her without telling me." Camila got her point across.

Dr.Huang observed Y/N restrict her body movement so as to not frighten her girlfriend. She used facial expression instead, rolling her eyes at Camila's argument.

She huffed, "Honesty is key but not when it's about you, right?"

"If you're not going to"—Y/N moved her face closer to Camila's—"be honest, I don't see the point in continuing this,"

Camila unclenched her jaw, leaning back into her seat.

"I gave her one of my journal entries, I didn't think I was going to send it, but I did. I needed closure,"

Dr.Huang jotted down notes throughout the conflict. Camila had defended herself without profusely apologizing or flinching in the slightest. Y/N had restrained herself from raising her voice or using sudden movement, the cognitive behavior therapy was working. He crossed a line through a personal goal he added in for Camila.

She'd been able to have a successful argument.

And, as a couple, they'd found a solution.

Dr.Huang eased the tension by providing his viewpoint, "You both needed closure with Lauren and you've got it. This is a step forward,"

He turned his attention to Y/N, "How is the medication working?"

"They're doing their job." She'd certainly felt less anxious but the spells of tiredness and mental fog were sometimes off-putting.

"Anything else you'd like to talk about this session?" Dr.Huang glanced between both girls. Y/N shook her head but Camila jumped to answer.

"I think I'm too dependent on Y/N," She chewed on her bottom lip, Y/N's head tilted to the side in confusion.

"I rely on her to sleep, I get antsy when she's not around, I overthink when she's not as affectionate as the day before..." Camila trailed off and Y/N pursed her lips. She'd never seen Camila as overly dependent but if her girlfriend wanted to break out of her habits, she was fully supportive of the decision.

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