Chapter Three

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Y/N stirred in bed, aggravated at having been woken up earlier than usual. Her temper was soothed as she quietly listened to the voice outside.

Your hair's grown a little longer

Your arms look a little stronger

Your eyes just as I remember

Your smile's just a little softer

She smiled at Camila's singing, sneaking out of the house to not disturb Camila's morning. She'd missed hearing her voice, it was a piece of their old routine she missed the most. Y/N was no longer able to wake up in bed beside Camila but waking up to her music helped fill the void.

And I, and I never prepared for a moment like that

Yeah, in a second it came all back, it all came back

Y/N quietly watched Camila, had she been the inspiration behind the lyrics? As much as she wondered, she didn't have the heart to ask. Startled, Camila stopped strumming her guitar and faced Y/N. She set it aside, sighing shakily as she calmed her nerves.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Y/N sat down next to Camila, keeping a bit of distance between them, "Waking up to your voice, it feels nice. Like nothing's changed. I've missed you." Camila scooched over to rest her head on Y/N's shoulder. The compliment both pleased and hurt her.

"Why didn't you call? Or visit?"

If Y/N had missed her so much, she didn't show it. The last conversation they had was at her wedding party.

"I was busy. Moving in with my brothers, sorting out a new job, helping them book gigs." Y/N found herself making excuses. The truth was, she was working on getting over Camila. She wasn't ready to face her best friend head-on.

"I tried to reach out to you. It only takes a minute to reply or to call." Camila shut down the justifications, lifting her head to look Y/N in the eyes.

"I wanted to start a new chapter in my life-"

"That doesn't mean I can't be a part of it. I'm willing to be a part of your life as long as you let me, remember?" Camila frowned at Y/N's remark. How could she have wanted to start a new chapter without her? Their whole lives, they'd spend shaping each other, and all of a sudden Y/N was ready to write her out.

"The same goes for you..." Y/N recalled their second to last conversation, quoting the words she'd once spoken.

"Can we start acting like it?" Camila held a stern gaze, waiting for a reply.

Y/N nodded and met her eyes, "Of course. I'm here now, Camila. I always will be."

With reassuring words spoken, a comforting silence fell between them.

"Where's Lauren?"

Camila's body tensed up at the mention of her wife's name, she locked her fingers with Y/N's to keep hold of the calm aura surrounding them.

"She went out with her friends from the city and spent the night."

Y/N excitedly hopped off the bench, pulling Camila's forearm to help her up. Camila hissed in pain and Y/N regretted her careless move, sliding up her friend's sleeve to reveal an obviously sore purple bruise.

"I don't understand Lauren's rush to leave the house."

Harry's statement echoed in Y/N's head, worry flooded her veins, and she shut her eyes to soothe her anxiety. Memories of her mother's bruises appeared and her eyes shot open, her fingertips grasping Camila's to let her know she wasn't feeling well. A heaviness in her chest formed out of thin air, her breathing hollowed, and her blinking became rapid. The sunlight became too bright, Camila's comforting touch became confining, her heart pounded aggressively enough she could feel it in her throat.

This Isn't Love ➳ Camila/YouWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt