Well, this was it. There was nothing else to do besides set up the first challenge, and he had already obtained the things he needed to commence it. Of course, he'd have to announce it first... As the sun was setting and the final sessions for the classes were about to start, he instructed the instructors to have everybody meet at the central training grounds the next morning in order for an important announcement. In this time, he also helped address the problems of some people wanting to return home, to which the solution, coming with a little bit of assistance from Cerci, was to allow everybody one last parting letter and have somebody send them all out by hand, leaving no trace of their existences besides their final letters. In turn, though, they agreed that at least a few more Druids would be recruited soon, since it seemed to be easier obtaining food and supplied with more people, as the instructors stated.

It had been a while since Eros had truly seen the place at night, but it was nothing like that time, since there was so much more... Life. Never had he seen the place so alive before, as a small handful of the thirty or so students were either standing behind shoddy stands that held signs promising use of their abilities and goods, as supplied by their mystical powers in turn for small sums of Poke. One boy, the one who he asked to divine the location of Xerxes' dad, offered the answer to a yes or no question with a short span of meditation, lined up with at least four people, while another stand, empty save the lady standing behind it, sold berries that were modified and much better than those typically found out in the field, such as massive Cherri berries. Even the baker sold a few special pastries and cake slices at this time, diverging from his normal and free breads and loaves. In essence, it seemed as if Fort Alpine was almost a small city of its own...

The next morning in the open center, most of the Druids stood waiting for an announcement from their leader, who stood atop one of the catwalks on the side of this multipurpose arena. The young boy up there didn't look like anything special, save the considerably powerful Flygon at his side, a Pokemon that would stand a chance should it be brought into battle against the run-of-the-mill trainer. Answering the anticipation for his speech, he didn't tarry much longer after the crowd had grown large enough. Hopefully, he recited enough for this...

"Druids! Druids... You may know me as your Headmaster Eros. I know that you think I've neglected to show any leadership up to this point. Well, you're wrong. Shut up." A small giggle waved through the crowd. "I've been doing my part to try and support this group as a whole, doing crap that put my life in danger and can be summed up in a single sentence out of monologue." Eros, using his out of monologue capabilities, briefly described a few of his journeys, such as his out into a bell tower and down in the city of Utopia, avoiding having the author reiterate what the readers already know.

"Unfortunately, it can be dangerous to head out alone, yet it can be quite rewarding, but it should not be done without our consent. You see, every action we take should put us one step closer to achieving world peace and balance, something that benefits all forms of life. Some people in this world are simply deceived, misguided or bent on vengeance, yet this does not make them guilty of anything. This simply means that hard work and dedication to the cause of balance, not good, can make any life fair and equal once more. And, even though it may seem bad to do something that appears bad in the short term, anything that helps the balance will become a blessing for all life on this planet.

"Of course, that bullshit fluffy ass shit is pretty boring sometimes, so I have arranged for a tournament for the first sixteen Druids interested. It's nothing too special, but there's a prize: An ultra ball." One of the Druids ooo'd at this, receiving a firm kick in the side; None the less, with such a valuable gift at stake, everybody was more than interested. "I have a pen and paper right here, which I will hand to the instructors. I ask that you sign up in an orderly fashion with due respects to your instructors. Do not fret if you do not have a chance to participate in this tournament, for if everybody act on their best behaviors and uses their inside voices, as well as continue to participate in the academy's programs with the quality I expect from you, there will be other tournaments.

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