Love At First Sight

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"You see Doc, the first time I saw Mel was much earlier than the first time she saw me. As soon as the game started, I realized how boring this was going to be. I am not a big football person, basketball is my sport. There is so much action, and non-stop running, and there is actually a score that seems reasonab-" I knew this would set Mel off. She seems to be brainstorming something, and that is never a good sign. Whenever a tropical storm appears in those eyes, it is time to intervene. This is one of those times.

"Football is a real sport. Its a tough sport. Basketball is what boys play that are too little or scared to play football. It is almost as dumb as soccer, I mean really Jake I will never understand why you care more about basketball than footba--"

"Enough both of you." The doctor quickly shut us both up. This is what Mel and I do. We argue, get both our tempers flaring and then we are making out. While it is probably not an approved method to resolve problems, it seems to work for us. However, considering we were in a marriage counselor's office, I figured that it would look bad if we continued on our usual path. Plus, it seems that whatever Mel was plotting has sense been forgotten and it is all blue skies in those Caribbean eyes.

"Sorry. As I sat back and stared aimlessly onto the field until I saw a girl walking across my row on the way to her seat." She had auburn hair that I couldn't describe as a color I had ever seen before. It looked brown until the light hit it and then it shined red as could be. I knew it had to be a dye because people just are not that gorgeous. Medium height, built in the best way possible. She had curves but was muscular, boobs and a butt but was toned.

"And then as soon as she looked my way I fell in love. Her face was perfect. She had the lightest hint of freckles, eyes the color of a Carolina blue sky, and when she smiled my heart stopped. This was the girl I was going to marry. I knew it immediately, she was the girl of my dreams and she was currently sporting a Tom Brady jersey, leggings, Uggs,holding a beer in one hand, and her phone in the other. She was perfect." That is a picture that I plan on keeping in my head until the day I die.

Now, most guys will say that it is hard for a girl to look hot in the outfit she was wearing, that was not the case. Mel doesn't even have to try and she looks perfect. I have seen that girl go weeks without wearing any makeup, and she looks just as beautiful. Actually, she looks fake. She is too perfect sometimes. How can she have her hair in a knot, no makeup, gym clothes on, and still look hot?

"Jake that is beautiful, but honestly don't give me the whole "I knew I was in love" crap. You just wanted to sleep me with. You are a guy no one would blame you for those kind of thoughts."

I shook my head. That was Mel. The girl didn't understand how beautiful she was, or the power she had over me. She just couldn't comprehend that well, yes, I wanted to sleep with her, I wanted something so much more.

"Yes Mel I wanted to sleep with you, are you happy? But I didn't want a random hook up where we both leave and forget about the person forever. I wanted to sleep with you, and wake up with you, and look into those eyes, and make you smile, and put that on repeat everyday of my life." I meant every word, but as soon as I looked into her eyes I knew she didn't believe me. She never does.


"No baby, I am so serious. That is why I tried to get your attention the entire game. I wanted you to notice me so bad that I started yelling along with the people around me. But no you were too busy yelling and cursing at the field that nothing I did worked. I was getting ready to leave when Brady threw that stupid interception. That interception was the only one he threw at home that season Mel. Do you realize that, the only one. And because of that pass you saw me."

When she finally looked my way my heart started beating so hard that I knew the people around me could hear it even above the crowd. And then the girl of my dreams walked up pushed me into that nasty chair, climbed on my already straining crotch and kissed me with so much passion that it took a while before I could even kiss her back. "When I finally came back down to earth after you started kissing me, and I became an active member in the kiss, I knew I was never kissing another girl. Ever. And that is how Mel and I met. Fairytale right?"

I looked Mel right in the eyes and willed her to believe me. No matter how many times I say it, she never does. This was a fairytale. It was our fairytale. And dammit if she didn't believe it somewhere deep down. The doctor nodded a little. I guess he is ready to start analyzing us. What is he going to say. Nothing the other marriage counselors before haven't said. Divorce is the only option. Except with us. With us, divorce is not an option. That contract changed the whole dynamic of this relationship. We are stuck together, for better or worse.

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