Perfect Ten

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"Lets see the day I met Jake...hmm that was a day I will never forget. I mean how could a person forget seeing only the third ten in their entire life?" The first ten was Amish so I knew I didn't stand a chance no matter how perfect his eyes were. It was at the zoo and though we silently flirted, I kenw we had no future together. I was sixteen at the time and not ready for any time of commitment.

The second ten is an actor, Derek Theler. He is tall brown hair, blue eyes, goofy smile? But, again I didn't stand a chance. He is famous after all. But, the third ten, he was my favorite. "It was the day the New England Patriots faced the Houston Texans." Now that was a perfect day. It was much too cold for anything but football. The snow had started the night before and the teams were warming up on the field while flurries started to cascade onto the field. Granted I was a little distracted keeping track of my fantasy team, but I mean what girl wouldn't? I remember trying to check the score on my phone but keep my hands in my gloves. It simply was impossible, and I ended up with bloody, cracked hands the next day.

"So," the good doctor rudely decided to cut in, "you two met at a football game. Now I believe that says quite a lot about each of your personalities and so much about this relationsh---"

"Do you or do you not want me to continue, because as soon as you start psycho-analyzing me I shut up, got it?"  I tend to be persuasive, curses of being an attorney, a divorce attorney to be specific. Ironically, divorce is paying for my marriage counseling. Is it unethical? I don't know, and honestly, I don't care. However, if he thought for one second that he was going to interrupt my story, he had another thing coming. But since I realized that the only way for me to get the hell out of this torture chamber was to finish, I continued on.

"So, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, I was at the Patriots game trying to will Brady into throwing another 400 yard game because my fantasy team needed those points if I wanted to make it to the next round. So when he threw an interception, I let everyone around me know what a dumbass play it was. That is when I saw this gorgeous guy sitting a couple seats down from me." Glancing over at him I saw that he was tall, really tall, and built like a quarterback. Enough muscle to look in shape, but not so much that he looked like he was on fake. Dirty blonde hair that was just a little too short to be shaggy but a little too long to be neat.

"But, when I looked into his eyes, those green eyes that were so crystal clear that I found myself lost. I forgot about Brady and my fantasy team. All I could think about was jumping this guy. Because if his face was that attractive, what was the rest of him like?" And boy was I right. Green eyes with specks of orange are one thing, but a perfect six-pack and biceps that looked like they were carved by Michelangelo himself. Jake has the body that most guy dream of having. But just to rub it in even more, he has an attractive face too. He is the triple threat that my mom warned me about. Smart, hot, and charming. The only time those three things combine is either in someone who is gay or is an absolute douche. Turned out Jake was the exception to that rule.

"Well Doc, I always knew she wanted me for my body, but I didn't know it was this ba--" Speak of the devil. He knows that I greatly approve of his physical appearance, and he makes sure the whole world knows.

"Jake! My story time. Plus if I only wanted you for your body I wouldn't put up with your smartass mouth." Now that shut him up pretty quickly. I smiled, but not because I had won. It was because the look on his face was priceless. Jake is the only man I know that I can yell at, and instead of getting defensive or upset, he laughs and rolls his eyes in return.

"Fine, fine. Just skip to the part where we actually met babe. I highly doubt that a marriage counselor cares about your fantasy score."

I huffed. If these interruptions didn't stop soon someone was going to end up getting a nice Mel-ish butt kicking. Jake was at the top of that list too. He would never admit it in public, but he likes to be put in his place from time to time. It gives him a chance to man-up later. Maybe I should push him a little harder than usual today. Formulating a plan in my mind for later, I attempted to pick up where I had left off.

"So, anyway, when those marbleized green eyes locked on mine, I decided that this was the one time in my life that I would actually have a chance with a ten. I walked up to him, pushed him into that stadium seat, sat on his lap and kissed him. That is how Jake and I met. I wanted a hot night with a ten and ended up married. Fairytale ending, huh?" Fairytale my ass. If anything, this is one of those original Grimm fairy tales where people get eaten and everyone dies a terrible death.

"Thank you Mel. Jake would you like to tell your view of this encounter?"

"With pleasure, oh and mine is a lot more romantic so it's a really good thing this is confidential. Also, let me remind you that she is a lawyer so if what gets said in here leaves this room, she will sue your ass. So the first time I met Mel..."

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