Chapter 25-Unpleasant Visits

Start from the beginning

"I won't yell i won't be mad or whatever please Ki? Im trying here"

"Obviously not hard enough" i muttered to myself. I went over to my door and swung it open. "Talk"

"I meant some place where-"


"Ki i-i know i really messed up"

"Wich you did"

"Ki look im sorry okay?"

"Okay" i shrugged my shoulders.

"So we're good?"

"Hmmmm as friends?"


"Yea the Oh" i rolled my eyes shutting the door.

"You know i still love you no matter what right?" he said through the door.

I opened it and saw him walking down the stairs. "I still love you too" i did'nt know what i said till i said it. I covered my mouth hopeing he did'nt hear me. He did he turned and smiled. But not a big smile just a small smile. He then walked away. Ugh i so hate myself right now... I just need to get things back to normal. I picked up my cell phone and dialed Joshs' number.

"Hey bae" he answered.

"Hey uh we really need to talk...."

"Am i in trouble?"

"Can you meet me at your 'Special Spot?'"

"Uh yea sure now?"

"Yep" i hung up. I sighed putting on my shoes. I walked downstairs and saw my mom and dad talkin' with James. "Ma can you watch the twins i have to go somewhere"

"Yea darling be careful"

"Okay" i grabbed my purse and walked out to my car. I got in and sped down the road. I got to his spot around 11 a.m. I got out and saw him by the shore. I got out not wanting to get my shoes dirty by sand. "Josh!" i yelled. He turned and walked towards me. When he got to me he kissed me straight on the lips. I kissed him back but remembered why i was here. I placed my hands on his chest pushing him back.

"Whats wrong?" he whispered in my ear placing kisses down my jaw line.

"Josh i think uhm..stop..stop!" i yelled when he kept kissin me. He then pulled away. "We need to break up"

"No we don't" he pulled my hips closer to him.

"Yes we do! Josh i know how i feel about you but i dont know how you feel about me. I just need time and being in a relationship won't help. So i-i think...i know we should break up"

"But we're not going to" he smiled.

"Excuse me" i stepped away from him.

"Yea" he tried kissing me.

"Josh no we are over okay?" i turned to go back to my car.

"Why? Why ki?" he grabbed my forearm. "Why do you make me want to do this?" his grip tightened.

"Ow Josh you-your hurting me" i tried yanking my arm away but it still hurt.

"Your hurting me Ki... I think we should both feel pain it's only fair" he met my gaze. He began to tighten his grip as his teeth gritted.

"Josh stop!" i started pushing him trying to yank my arm free.

"Get your damn hands off of her!!" i heard someone yell. I looked around to see James coming over with Jake. Both of them looke pissed. He finally let my hand go. But before i could take one step James' fist connected with Joshs' jaw. After that James eventually stopped kicking Joshs' ass. Mostly because Jake went over and pulled him off Josh. I was sitting in the passenger side to my car as James drived. Jake was in his truck.

"What were you thinking coming out here alone with that idiot? Are you just trying to get hurt? Do you like putting yourself in these situations Ki?"

"I wasn't thinking i wanted to end things with him so things would be right for us but apparently they won't" i snapped at him. He just loosend his grip on the steering wheel. "Now you wanna shut the fuck up good choice" i snapped again. He sighed. The rest of the hour long drive was silent. When he pulled into the driveway i got out slamming the car door. I went inside the house and noticed the red marks on my arm from where Josh held my grip. I covered it with my hand and went upstairs. I saw the twins in the bathroom being bathed by my mom. I smiled at them and went to my bed to get their clothes.

"No honey you look tired get some rest" she smiled. I sighed laying on the bed. I am going to fix this between me and James right now. I got up and went down stairs. I saw Jake sitting on the couch with Steph.

"Where's James?" i asked looking around.

"Oh he left"


"when we got back Ki you really need to be more-" i did'nt hear the rest because I walked out. I got in my car and drove down the road. He must be going back to his campus. I got to his campus and saw him walking with a bunch of guys. I got out and walked over to him.

*~•_.James' POV._•~*

I walked with the guys towards the back of the campus for the 'Big Celebration' it was just a party to tell you the truth. I heard someone calling my name and turned to see Ki walking towards me. I sighed and stopped walking waiting for her.

"Whats up man?" Chris asked me.

"i'll catch up with ya'll in a minute." they kept walking. I stood their waiting.

"James im sorry" She said when she finally got to me.

"Ki yo-" i was cut off when she btought her lips to mine. She wrapped her arms around my neck as i responded to the kiss. I grabbed her hips and brought her as close to me as possible. I was waiting to kiss her like this for months. Does she know that ever since our break up i haven't had sex? She owes me big time. She pulled away looking at me in the eyes.

"I do still love you...alot" he smiled. I took a deep breath.

"Aye i'll see ya'll in a minute" i shouted to my now annoyed looking friends. I walked with Ki back to her car. "I'll call you later Ki"

"you better not get drunk and have sex with some girl cause this time i will kick your ass" she said to me chuckling but i knew she was serious.

"i'll try my best" i smiled.

"Bye James" she kissed me again. "When you should really visit me..i could use the company" she whispered the last part seductivly. I chuckled nodding my head 'Yes'. She got in her car and drove off.

I really love that girl.

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