"It's alright, Mikey. Better me than you, kitten," he comforted.

Michael shook his head and made to move for Luke but his mum's voice made him freeze in place.

"How fast does a bullet travel, Michael?"

How Michael knew this he wasn't sure but he rattled off the answer anyways, "2,500 feet per second,"

"How far away from him are you?"

"Ten feet,"

"What's getting to him first? You or the bullet?"


"Do I need to test that?"


Michael's mum smiled. It was a sick and twisted smiled that made Michael's stomach clench uncomfortably. He knew that she wanted something, it was evident, but was it was Michael had yet to find out.

"Come here, Michael," she finally instructed.

He hesitated, "Why?"

His mum smiled her eyes glinting maliciously, "I think you know exactly why, Michael" her answer was vague, but correct, Michael did know why, and, it appeared, so did Luke.

"Mikey no! You can't let her! Don't go anywhere near her! Mikey please! Let me die instead! Let me die for you kitten," Luke was screaming desperately, completely frantic.

Only the words ricocheted off Michael. He was made of bad and he wanted so badly to do something good for the best thing alive. He would do anything for Luke, and that included allowing himself to undergo the torture him mum had in store for him.

"I'm sorry, Luke," Michael said.

And those words caused Luke's façade to fall away until he was on his knees shaking and Michael was directly in front of him staring down into the blue eyes he wanted to get lost in and never return from.

"Kitten please no,"

Michael let his hand cup Luke's face and the blonde leaned into his touch. "I love you, Luke,"

"I love you, Michael,"

And suddenly blood splattered across Michael's shirt and Luke took one last sharp intake of breath before it escaped his kissable lips and his lifeless body fell forwards into Michael's legs. Michael caught hold of him and was only half aware of the fact that he was screaming Luke's name over and over.

But there was nothing Michael could do for Luke, so he sunk to the ground with him and clutched his body to his own sobbing and screaming. He felt sick and before he knew it he was scrambling away from Luke's bloodied body to retch onto the floor. He puked until he was coughing up blood before he scrambled to the gun his mother had conveniently left on the floor and he held it to his temple squeezing his eyes shut before applying the pressure to the trigger and letting go to be with Luke.

They would chase each other anywhere it seemed. Luke would follow Michael and Michael would follow Luke. The only problem was that they were just constantly going in circles, chasing each other but not quite saving the other. They really needed to get better at that part.

When the house phone started ringing at quarter to midnight, everyone was reluctant to answer, but Ashton finally did with a grumble of hello.

"He's what?!" Ashton demanded jumping up from his position lying across the couch.

No one else could hear the words being repeated to Ashton through the phone, but they could see the reaction Ashton was having. He raced upstairs while still on the phone and came back down changed and tossing clothes in Luke and Calum's faces.

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