Just Fine

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Karissa pov

"And," Alex and I said together, his father smile like he won the lottery. Ha like if he'd need it.
"You bitch,you killed my husband, " and she lunched forward to slit my throat. I pushed my chair back and we fell( me and the chair duh)

I rolled off like a boss, she was still trying to get at me when Alex and his father held her down. She relaxed in their arms, making it seem she was calm. Oldest trick in the book.

"Look out," I said and she cut them both causing them to hiss in pain and let her go. Crap this bitch gonna cut me. She swiped at my stomach cutting me, but not deep enough.

I was seeing red. I knocked the knife out of her hands with a swift kick and then jump kicked her, she stumbled a little but composed her self. She swung at me and I ducked out the way.

Unfortunately for me she grab another knife. She went to stab my stomach, my baby she was trying to kill my baby. Or hell no. I took her hand and successful broke her wrist she screamed and cradled her injured hand.

I kicked her using most of my strength and two legs. She flew back into the table breaking it with her weight. She was knocked out. I walked where she landed.
"You just got knocked the fuck out," I paused before adding." Bitch,"
I walked backwards a little only to bump in Alex.
"Damn girl I knew you were strong but hell, " he muttered.

"Again thank you Karissa, " Alex father smiles.
"No problem, " I said, "you should get someone to clean the mess," I said frowning. Before I could stop myself I bursted in tears.
"Am sorry I made a mess now some poor person is going to clean this up,"

"Miss, if I may we get paid to clean," I maid said.
"Oh yeah your right," I paused and stop the water logs, " Nobody speaks about my little break down ever," I threaten and all eyes widen in fear. Haha am loving this.

"Maybe you should...... " I heard Alex said before I started falling. But Alex caught me.
"Keep your eyes open God Damn Karissa keep them open," shouted his grey eyes were pretty.
"Your eyes are pretty alley, " I said before I welcomed Darkness.

I kept hearing a beeping sound and it's annoying as fuck. i opened my me eyes only to be blinded by a bright light. The beeping only got faster.

"Somebody turn the bloody light off ugh." I shut out with sore voice.
"Oh crap sorry," I hear Alex say.
"You can open them now, "

"How long have I been out," I asked opening my eyes.

"A week and four days," Alex answers from across the room.
"You got a little belly you know." He said

I look down to see he was right my stomach is expanded to make room for peanut. I rub my now visible stomach.

"Take as much room you need peanut, " I said quietly.
"Trust me he will," Alex said from beside me. My heart rate goes up because he scared me.

I look at Alex, his handsome face looks tired, bags were under his eyes, and a stubble was coming on.

"You look like crap," I said, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Gee, thanks I was up worrying about you and my child,more the kid tho." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Mhm I believe you, " I laugh and he smiles our little moment was ruined by the door opening revealing a doctor.

"Miss Michelson, you gave us quite a scare. From now on your to keep your anger in check. You could have killed yourself and the child." The doctor says.

"From now on your bed written for the rest of your pregnancy. You may get up and walk around at least three times a day for ten minutes each." He says then walks out the room.

"What the fuck, stupid fucking doctor say that then walks out." I shout and the heart monitor goes up.
"Stop IT, I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU BUT I LIKE TO HOLD MY CHILD IN MY ARMS. CALM THE FUCK DOWN YOUR BED WRITTEN BECAUSE I SAID SO. " Alex shouts his face turning red from anger, all he was missing was steam coming out his ears.

"You.... you.....shouted at m..mee," I cried. God I hate being pregnant.
"Shit," he whispers and take me in his arms rubbing circles on my back. And whispering he is sorry.

I stop crying and he still has me in his arms.
"Alex?" I asked and he replies with ' hmm' "i still hate your guts." I said smiling into his chest.
"I hate you to darling," he replies chuckling .

"Aww, I knew this day would come. Now I know am going to have lots of grandbabies, " Alexander Sr. said a high pitch girl voice.

We all looked at each other and laughed. Hey maybe this won't be so bad after all.


"What the hell ," I scream in the mirror. When I put my top on.
"What happened. " Alex shouts.
"Am fat and ugly," I cried opening the door wearing some skinny jeans and a strap top which shows my baby bump.

"Karissa, your not fat and ugly, " he said but I catch the' yet ' he says under his breathe.
I take my handbag from on the hospital bed and hit him with it over and over in the face neck and chest area.

"Hey stop that, seriously stop." He said trying to Dodge my attacks. I stop and Stand still. I want oreos with chocolate ice cream and salt?

I don't know, seems like a good combination.
"Alex I want oreos with chocolate ice cream and salt, " i said and his face turns in disgust.

"Okay I understand the ice cream and oreos but the salt, why? He ask.
"Look I don't exactly know why I just want it. " I said turning angry " you better get me my damn food or I stick my hand so far up your ass i work like a fucking puppet. " I threaten and his eyes widened.

"You better get her the food she wanted," Alexander Sr. said in complete amusement.

Yes I think this is going to end up just fine......

Sooooo chapter crappy but done read on woooooohoooo

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