Truth part 1

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Chapter 10

Karissa's pov......

"We need to kill them now krissy they are a liability now," Antonio growled. And I just stood there in my towel.

"Why the Fuck are you in my room am naked under here," I glared at him.

"Yeah am naked here to, " he pointed his Jean and black T-shirt.

"Antonio," I warned him and he rolled his eyes.
"I have seen it all any ways," he playfully winked.

"Urgh you are exhausting ," I growl pulling my hair.

"Well you should be we did it four times last night." He said cockily.

"Uhuh is there some reason you are in my room? " I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Actually yes there is your fiancé wants me to break his perfectly straight teeth. " he growled.

"Uhuh cant you to just get along?" I asked.

"No the bloody BASTARD thinks he the boss, I don't care any more krissy can't I please kill him?" He begged. I shake my head.

"No he is an asset at the moment," I shrugged and tried to walk to my closest keyword TRIED. Antonio grab my arm.

"What you like him you actually want that dick in you or are you waiting for him to impregnate you again, " his words laced w I think anger and his accent got thicker.

"Tonio please we both know I was drugged and basically raped by him," I grab his face in between my hands. " Raphael was yours and you know it," my eyes cast down at his name I willed myself not to cry for my angel.

"I wish I was there, how did he look?" Antonio asked.

"He had black hair and his father's face. I never got to see his eyes," I described our son.

"I... I can't tell you how much it pained when you were missing," his eyes sad and distant

"Am here now my love, " I kissed his lips. His face turned serious.

"You need to say something about us, that motherfucker still thinks he's marrying you. He drugged and Rape you Karissa. It was just a kill mission." Antonio hissed at me and I rolled my eyes.

"I know what am doing Antonio," I sighed. He grabbed my face roughly and the anger on his face was clear as day.

I pushed him off me and swung at him but he blocked me. My towel fell, his eyes went down and met mine. He kissed me, I jumped on him and wrapped my legs around his torso.

And the door opened.
"Hey Karissa I want to....." Alex voice entered the room and Antonio along with me froze.

"You're fucking your brother ?" He asked wide eyed and jaw hitting the floor. Well fuck! This looks messed up.

"Um Antonio put me down, " I hit his arm. He set me on my feet and blocked my body with his while I walked to my towel.

"Well I guess we go explaining to do um I get changed um Antonio take a cold shower. Meet you guys in Alex office in 20 ," I said in a rush and ran into my closet.

"What the Fuck, " I heard Alex said once more. Before Tonio threaten him.

"You come near my woman again rapist, I'll cut your tongue off dig your eyes out their sockets and stick it down your throat and with your detached tongue I 'll shrove it up your ass. And your gonna see it coming to," My,my doesn't he sound sexy.

"Oh yeah, you don't know......." Alex started off but I cut him off

"Boys!" I warned and I heard swears then my door closing shut.

I got dressed in yoga pants and a black tank top with my sketchers shoes. I walk out my room down the stairs and into Alex 's office as I opened the door Antonio punched Alex in the face while Mr Darwin tried stopping it.

"You're sick fucking your sister nasty, " Alex spat in Antonio face. Oh shit now he had done it Antonio took him by the throat and being taller than him it was easy. From where am standing Alex's face was turning blue.

I sigh better stop this before he kills him.
"Well it's not nasty if your not even related one bit." I chuckled at the pair.

Antonio dropped Alex and rushed and hug me from behind breathing in my scent trying to calm down. I rubbed his forearm to add effect.

"Now, now Alley Mr Darwin, I would like you to meet my husband Antonio Ferro aka Marcus Antonio Ensor" I smile at Alex and his face turn from red to white. His father look like he could pass out.

Haha I'll be scared to. Tonio wasn't just underboss of Italy. He was the one who was just on top of all bosses he was a ruthless killer and his only weakness was the woman he couldn't tame Me........

He was Marcus, the man who run the world at only twenty-two non the less. My Sexy fucking husband.

"You're lying ," Mr Darwin gasped. Antonio lift his head from my neck and laughed.

"Did you just call my wife a liar " he emphasize on my wife and liar and he threw in a growl at the end and that harsh glare.

It reminds me of the first time we meet.


My dad currently speaking to some man and am listening music. Loudly I might add.

"Would you shut that off you little bitch. " he glared like he own the joint, First mistake he told me what to do second mistake he call me a bitch. Am not a bitch am an asshole not a bitch.

I look in my father's direction asking him permission to beat the shit out of him. He had that glint in his eyes he smile. Oh yes am in the clear.

I turned down the music grab his wrist and broke it. Pulled his arm out of it's socket and knocked him the Fuck out.

Someone was slow clapping at the door, I turned to see a very handsome and I mean handsome young man. And at sixteen I knew I wanted him to Fuck the crap out of me.

"Who the Fuck are you?" I spat in his direction. His amused face turned angry and grabbed me and threw me across the room.

"Marcus Ensor, and you just knocked my father out." He glared at me. I looked at my father he looked like he can shit himself. Okay now am scared, my father's never scared of anything. That reminds me I need to break up with my boyfriend Johnathan.

"What you gotta say for your self," he asked me.

I watch him and smiled, regret in my eyes.
"Am sorry Mr Ensor. Am sorry for this, " I nutted him. His face turned red and he was on his knees I kicked in his head and knocked him out.

"Am in trouble aren't I dad? " I asked him and he shock his head.
"Yes my dear daughter you just knocked out the most powerful man in the world," he stated. Oops I guess he's gonna man handle me when he wakes.

Oh this should be fun. He woke up fifteen minutes later. And he was angry, he grabbed me and slammed me on the bookcase.

"Out!" He growls at my father, my father runs out of here like ants are in his pants. Pussy I think.

"Who do you think you are? " he shouts. I smile .
"Your future wife dipshit, " shock was on his face that's when I punched him and on thing lead to another and he has a black eye and busted lip, am pretty sure I have a busted lip and bruised ribs.

"You don't give up do you, " he chuckled. His Sexy accent had me wet. I run and tackle him. He lost his footing and we both fell.

He rolled us over and he was top.
"No I don't, " I whisper and his grey eyes darken and he leaned in and kiss me. I gave into him immediately.

He pulled back and stared into my eyes the perfect romantic moment. So I headbutted him.

Ahhh love .........

To be continued ...........

So hey guys......

I love the support I been getting........

So keep the support going and y'all gonna get the chapters you want and the action you love.......


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